How to sew bandanu

How to sew bandanu

In summer days, the bandana is one of the most popular hats due to the variety of fabrics, versatility and practicality, even on cold days, many choose warm bandans instead of caps. Bandana looks beautiful on any head and goes to everyone. It is worn both representatives of young people and adults, it all depends on the material and decorations. It is also a stylish accessory, but only a bandana made by your own hands will reflect your individuality and will be unique. In addition, it is completely easy to sew it, even newcomers will be dealt with. Tell me more about how to do it.

Fabric selection

It is ideal for any cotton or linen fabric, a dense and elastic, for example, a hazard, sitherium or batter. In the summer, in the bandanna from such a matter will be comfortable, the head will not be hot, it will not sweat, the bandan itself will be durable and serves more than one year. But it is possible to use other tissues. Synthetic fabrics are suitable if you do not wear a product every day, but it is still desirable to give preference to natural matters. The least suitable silk, chiffon and other thin fabrics, but if desired, you can sew from them.

When choosing a cloth for a bandana, pay attention to the colors. Stylishly and bright looks of denim and camouflage tissue. The color of the bandans should be combined with the color of the top in clothing, and are especially fashionable now bandans with beautiful patterns, consider this when choosing a fabric.

Do not forget about the bandane and when choosing a headpoint for autumn and winter, in this case the tissue fleece will be perfect.

Tailoring of bandans

For sewing, it will take a segment of the selected tissue with a size of at least 40 to 90 centimeters. Prepare paper from paper using the drawing below (it will be easy to do it if you have millimeter paper).

Transfer the pattern to the fabric, do not forget to note the point for stitching 1 and 2. Having received two parts from the fabric, align points 1 and 2, after turning out the patterns, do it on the visible, and on the mirror side of the pattern, and then turn on the seam type (from Points 2 to point 1 and then to a mirror reflection point 2). The pattern already provides for the additions on the seams of 5 mm.

It remains to handle the edges, giving the product a finished look. Ideally wipe them on Overlock, he gives the branded seam of bandans. You can also sit in the edge of the zigzag line, bending the edges of 1 cm or half ancantimeter, and flash the usual line. If there is time, you can shelter the edges of the looped seam by manually, it is most similar to the processing overlock and looks no worse.

The line can be made with contrasting threads to emphasize it and make a bandana stylish and unusual.


Ready Bandana can additionally decorate in various ways, but sometimes it is already excess. If the cloth bands with an active print or a beautiful bright pattern, she does not need any additional decorations, and one-photo bandana can be transformed as follows:

  • Application - You can use the ready-made thermoapplication, which is attached to the product using an iron and sold in fabric stores, or make an applique yourself, sewing parts from a variety of tissues. Often, appliques from felt and leather are made on head removes.
  • Thanks to the beautiful embroidery, any bandana will look expensive and elegant.
  • Decoration with beser, sequins or decorative stones. Such a bandana will be feminine and elegant.
  • Do not forget about the decorative braid and ribbons, which are visiting them along the edge of the bandana, and it will change beyond recognition.
  • Lace - ready-made laces can be seeded on the frontal part.
  • Decorative folds - bend the fabric several times at half astimeter and stitch.

That's a beautiful and comfortable headdress for all occasions! You made sure that it was not difficult to sew it with your own hands. It does not take a long time, while you will get a unique stylish accessory. Summer bandans perfectly protect their heads from the scorching sun and cool wind, and the winter - from the cold. Go to the process creatively, and success you guaranteed!

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