How to sew a gum gum

How to sew a gum gum

Stay under the right sunlight is contraindicated and adults, and children. But if adults still love to soak under the sun, then children should be protected from the rays of the sun. Especially it is necessary to take care of the head, since the consequences in the form of a solar strike are extremely undesirable. But some kids do not like to wear hats, constantly remove the panamas, caps, hats. How to be in such a situation? In this case, a summer brazer will come to the rescue, which sits well on his head, sticks hair and protects from the sun. It is not so easy to remove from the head, but at the same time it is very convenient. Some mama-needlewomen will be able to sew her own without much difficulty. Consider more detailed how to do it.

Necessary materials

To sew a summer gathering, you will need the following accessories:

  1. Sewing machine.If it is not, then you can easily handle and manually. But the machine seams look much more careful.
  2. Rectangle fabric.Fabric should choose cotton. She misses the air perfectly, and the head does not sweat. Besides, cotton is very light, it's not hot in a gathering of natural fabric. Synthetic fabrics are not suitable for summer children's hats, they deliver discomfort to the baby.
  3. Threads that are suitable for the coloring of the fabric.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Two segments of conventional gum 10 cm.

Sewing Kosinki

Initially, it is necessary to calculate the size of the rectangle of the fabric, which is the main part of the kink. For example, the diameter of your child's head is 50 cm. From 50 you need to take away 10. The resulting number will be a length of a rectangle. The height of the rectangle can fluctuate from 25 to 30 cm as desired. In total, you will have two rectangles of the fabric: for gum and the basis of Koskynka. The size of the tissue under the gum should be the remaining 10 cm. Now add to each number 1 cm to cover the edges. So, you should leave 3 rectangles with such dimensions: one - 41 * 26; Two by 11 * 4.

The edges of a large rectangle are mellow only on the widest side. The edges of a small rectangle should be folded from the wrong side and strain on the sides.

Then make the line in the middle of the resulting tape, not reaching the edges.

Remove on the front side, insert elastic bands into both holes, turn inside the edge. A large rectangle should be folded by a harmonica with a narrow side, shove carefully the edge of a large rectangle in the edges of the rubber band and strain. In this case, all folds should be even. Similarly, make both the second edge.

Now our summer kosyanka is ready. Beautiful, simple and, most importantly, very comfortable. For walks for every day, such a brazer is the most excellent option. If you find a small piece of fabric in the house, use it with benefit.

Sew a slash on a gum is not at all difficult. By the way, such jams are also popular among young people. If you wish, you can decorate the kink by any decoration. Patterns and technologies of sewing Skels on the rubber band may differ among themselves. Another way to sewing brazers for the girl can be seen on this video, which consists of two parts:

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