How to sew cape

How to sew cape

By adding a convenient cape to your wardrobe, you will not only get warm in the cold evenings, but you can visually hide the shortcomings or emphasize the features of the figure. Sew cape very easy at home, while you must have minimal skills to work with a sewing machine and overlock.

Necessary materials

For sewing capes of any kind you will need materials such as:

  1. Fabric from which you will sew cape;
  2. Needle with thread;
  3. Marker for fabric or soap;
  4. Scissors;
  5. Beads, buttons, satin ribbons (if desired, depending on whether you want to decorate the product and what exactly you do it);
  6. Overlock or overlock foot for sewing machine;
  7. Iron;
  8. Measuring tape or ruler;
  9. Sewing machine.

Selection of cape sewing fabrics

For sewing capes, absolutely any tissue will suit. This may be: Atlas, fleece, natural fur or cotton and knitted fabrics. Stop your choice is on the material that will suit both the time of year and for the purpose of the cape.

Models of cape

There are several options for sewing cape. You can sew poncho or the usual Roman cape. Each option is beautiful in its own way, but the stages of work differ:

  • For sewing ordinary cape, you need to fold the cloth for sewing twice. Then, measuring on the fold line, across the tissue make a cut for the head. You can, if desired, decorate beads, beads, fringe, etc.
  • To sewing a triangular cape, fold the cloth with a triangle and cut off the scissors across the incision for the head.
  • To sew a Roman cape, to one of the ends of the fabric, which in width is the width of the shoulder, it is necessary to sew on both sides satin ribbons for strings.
  • If you have a very large piece of fabric, then spread the cloth on the table. Note the center and measure the distance from it to one side. This value is noted from the center of the book and the other side. Draw a semicircle and cut off excess fabric. It remains only to make a cut for the head.

Determination of the size of the cape

To determine the size of the cape, you need to measure the length of the hands from the shoulder to the brush or elbow. You will also need to make the length of the length of the elbow either and the length from the elbow to the elbow with the elbows. It depends on what option capes you will sew.

Processing of the edge of the product overlock

Overlock or sewing machine with overlocked paws Treat the ends and the neck of the cape. This is required to prevent fueling of the tissue during the wearing product. You can also sew the satin ribbon around the edges.

Sewing clothes

Operating cape

We try to make a cape and with defects eliminate them. In addition, you can decorate capes for individual design, using in your arsenal beads, satin ribbons and even a fringe, which looks very beautiful and unusually. The finished product you need to rejuvenate well.

Cape is ready! Now you can not be afraid of the cold, in the frost you will warm the warm cape, especially as she is sewn with your hands, and many love and fantasy are invested.

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