How to tie a bow on a dress

How to tie a bow on a dress

Bow, tied to the dress, plays a decorative function. It can be a fashionable accessory, an elegant decoration, to give even the usual fit of the necessary stylistics and a romantic look. And, of course, the bow on the waist will emphasize the slim and fragility of any lady. But it is worth noting that not all girls know how to beautifully and correctly tie the bows.

Tie a bow on a dress in several ways. Moreover, it is possible to do this not only the belt on the waist, as well as on the neck, on the shoulder, along the line neckline and even on the Podol - it all depends on the design of your product you wear. The bow on the belt can be located both in front and behind and with side. The material for the belt can also be any: leather, silk, atlas, suede and even ordinary sitheria. The decoration can be thin, wide, very small or large, attracting the eyes. In any case, it will turn out fashionable and cute accent.

The most common and simple is the classic french bow. He is familiar to us since childhood on tying shoelaces and bows on gift boxes. In order to make such a bow, you need the previously smoothed belt ends to transfer one through another. It turns out a semi-node. Then one of the free ends fold the semi-bow, and the second end wrap around it and stretch the second piece of the belt in the resulting loop. Pull the tape is not until the end so that only the central part will come out in the loop, and the end remained below. In this state, tighten the "ears", align them in size and straighten how the wings have a butterfly. Watch that the basic "ears" of the bow was the front side, then the decoration will certainly be tidy and beautiful.

There is another simple way to create a neat french bow. Both ends of the belt take shape into the same "ears" face outside and superimposed by a cross on each other. After the upper "ear", we subscribe under this "cross" and tighten. The resulting bowbe brought to the required size, we make symmetrical and carefully straighten.

Already several seasons in the fashion bow of one loop. The belt tied in this way looks modest and aesthetic. To make a bow, you just need to start the semi-node, as in the first version of the creation of a bow, and from the first end to make a "ear". And the second end is to wrap around and turn to the loop that was formed. But unlike a classic bow, the end of the belt is pulled out completely, thereby leaving the knot from the loop or semi-bow. The bow will look better if, tie it up, lay a loop at the top, and the ends should go down. When the belt is tied, you need to smooth the fabric of the belt and straighten the half of the bow.

If you need to tie a bow on a dress not in the form of a belt, but in the form of an accessory and additional decoration, then take the tape needed for decorating, a long 20-25 cm. Verify the tape ends on each other and secure the thread or pin. After that, the same ribbon, but smaller length, wrap and secure in the center, in the place where the ends are fastened. It turned out a classic elegant bow, which you can sew to a dress in any place you like. Bow can be made of several ribbons of different widths and various color.

In matters of clothes, the main thing is not to get involved and know the measure. Too much bows will look infantile and comical. Excessively large bow risks be frosted, a little can look unbelievable. Also, the bowl of the bow should either play in contrast, or have support in other tissues and flowers of the costume. And remember, even equally tied to the bow dress will look different depending on the belt materials.

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