How to tie a shirt

How to tie a shirt

Many girls love to wear shirts, and all do it in different ways. Someone just puts on a shirt and buttons buttons, and for someone it seems too banal and stereotypical solution, so they try to wear this item of the wardrobe with some non-standard way. One of them is the zagging shirt. From the side it seems that it is very easy to tie a male or women's shirt, but it is important to do it right, because there are many methods of wearing this thing.

Classic way

The most common way to tie a shirt on yourself. Wear it, button a few initial buttons (3-4), and the edges make the edge node either on the waist, or just below it. Such an image is perfectly combined with jeans, shorts and any other denim clothing. To give sexuality, lower the shirt from the shoulder. You can complement the onions with various accessories according to your taste. Regarding the sleeves, in this case there are no specific rules: they can be lowered, buried and even fastened on cuffs.

Beach fashion

To tie a shirt in a beach style, put it on it and, not buttons, tie on the waist or pin the brooch. Under the shirt you must have a swimsuit, a shirt or some top combined in color. This variant of the tie of the shirt will allow you to stay stylish and do not burn in the sun. In addition, it comes out not only for resting on the beach, but also for the summer walk in the city, if you correctly pick up the bottom. For such cases like a beach holiday, pick up bright cheerful shirts. For conventional summer days, the color scheme is not too demanding.


And in this place is turning on a stormy fantasy. From an ordinary male shirt will work out without much effort to make a dress without resorting to the use of scissors and needles. Despite the fact that there are a lot of options for this type of dressing shirt, proceed from the following: button shirt from below to the middle, then put it on it so that the collar takes place on the neckline line. Now it all depends on how you want to fix the sleeves: Leave them free or wrap around the waist and make a bow. You can cross the sleeves through the neck and tie. Such an outfit is perfectly complemented by brook.


To use a shirt as a skirt, it is enough to wear it in the same way as described in the third point, and pull onto the waist. So that the outfit turns out the most original, buttons are better to fasten 1-2 higher than it is supposed. The displaced row of buttons will create a pea imitation. In the second version, do not fasten them: take the shirt so that the collar is in front, wrap the sleeves around the waist and tie somewhere on the side. To get a beautiful bow, unzipped the buttons on the sleeves and remove them. The ways of the sleeves are known a lot, so do not be afraid to experiment.


No better way to emphasize individuality than to add a shirt tied to the belt to your usual set. To do this, simply make the sleeves in front. A classic win-win version is a cage shirt, the most popular colors - red-black, red and white and other combinations with red and blue. You can wear such a belt with both jeans and skirt or shorts. In a pair with a T-shirt, a shirt on the belt will not attract too much attention to himself. For the autumn-spring period, use a shirt in a similar way, combining it with sweatshirts and sweaters.

As you see, ways to make a shirt, whether it is a male or female, quite a lot. Therefore, using this or that option, do not be afraid to experiment with your style, do not forget about accessories and combine the color correctly.

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