How to call Gina desire

How to call Gina desire

Only overwhelmed skeptics do not believe in the existence of spirits that are able to fulfill the requests and desires of people. But everyone else is very believed. If you have a cherished desire, but you can not fulfill it, read our article and you will learn what to do to cause Gina and embody dreams to reality. Let's first figure it out that it is generally for the creatures so that you do not confuse their dwarves, which can also perform desires.

Presentation of Gire

For Europeans, the image of Gina has formed on the basis of fairy tales and cartoons "1000 and 1 night". In the lamp sharpened spirit, male similarity, which awakens from rubbing the vessel. Having heard the magic stories about Almighty Gires, who are forced to unquestioned to obey their liberator and fulfill all his desires, who of us refuse to use Gina in the same way? It remains only one question - how really to realize a fairy tale?

Arab mythology refers Ginov to unclean strength, comparing them with demons and devils. The creed of Islam describes Ginov as the most ancient creatures from the flame that live in a parallel world. No person is able to see the fiery spirit until he himself fails to seem to him. Arabs-pagans still in ancient times worshiped Ginam, considering those gods by asking the benefits and bringing them donations.

How to call Gina Desires - Jerins Hierarchy

Maybe you had to hear such mythical names: Strength, Iphret, Marid, Gul? These are the personification of different types of Ginov.

  • Forces. Are the most weak entities. They are not able to modify, so you can kill them with one stick stick.
  • Iphritis. Evil and most powerful perfumes. They are considered to be servants of Satan.
  • Marida. Rational, reasonable, air creatures. They are considered unlawful monarchs of all kinds of Ginov.
  • Guli. Creatures of a female view. Inhabit the deserts and in the cemetery land. Food down.

Suddenly, right? There will be a natural question - how not to face the evil demon and call good gin?

How to cause gin desires - lamp

You can finish the faculty of archeology and go to Baghdad on excavations in search of a real lamp of Alladina. However, there is a simpler way. Come to your grandmother and go to her storage room. There, in a pile of antiques, find the oldest vessel covered with a layer of dust.

Recompany in a secluded and quiet place with a "lamp". Close your eyes and told your secret desire whisper. You must imagine that in your hands there is something that can execute it. Wipe the vessel 3 times, talk to his inhabitant and go to bed. Try not to think about your desire. Your thoughts will shoot down Gina.

How to call Gina desires magic

The most effective way. For a successful ritual, prepare such elements in advance:

  • lead cover;
  • paint "indigo";
  • melted resin;
  • cattail;
  • copper vessel.

Put the tail in the copper container, add some paint and close your eyes. Speak a secret desire to yourself 30 times and ask Gina to fulfill him. Jin at this time will appear in the vessel. To do not run out the spirit, cover the jug with a lid. Promise the spirit to lower it only when he fulfills the desire. If Jin begins to be outraged - threaten it with a boiling resin that you will take it at any time. The hostage is scared and as soon as possible will fulfill your desire.

How to call Gina Desires - Jeans

To begin with, solid decide what you want. Ready? Go to the store and buy ordinary blue jeans. Put on the new clothes and concentrate at wishes. Purit the left knee exactly 3 times. So you gave your request to Gin, wait for the magic. Do not change on this day to other clothes. It should be noted that jeans fell into our world precisely thanks to Ginam. They gave us not a fabric, but an idea of \u200b\u200bher invention. This material helps entities from parallel worlds to manifest themselves in our world.

If your attempts to submit Gina crowned with success, be careful! Soon it can come an hour of payback, no matter how good Jean does not seem, he will find a way to deceive and break out to the will.

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