How to guess on playing cards

How to guess on playing cards

The mysterious world of magic attracts more and more people, especially the representatives of the beautiful sex. And the various fortune telling is of particular interest, including the maps, be it tarot or ordinary playing. To understand independently with all the values \u200b\u200bof the first is quite problematic and requires, as a rule, such a way of great experience for proper interpretation. But learn to guess on the playing cards for everyone, it would be, as they say, a desire. Although not everything is so simple, you will need to be patient and learn some rules and recommendations.

Remember - it is impossible to guess in the days of the festivals of church and on Sundays, it is better to do it on Fridays and thirteenth numbers. In the day you guess three times, but not more, and all on different people. Do not do this at night, it is fraught with the consequences of negative. And against your will do not do it. Even being confident in the scenario, do not tell a person who spread the cards about his death or people close to him. Remember that cards can and squeeze in the weather rainy or foggy. If you decide to decompose them on the fulfillment of desire, and the result will not suit you, do not even think to repeat, it can also call the cards. For fortune telling, get a completely new deck (usually used from thirty-six cards) and never give it to others. Do not use it for the game.


Doodles of gadas on cards of playing, as well as card combinations in various sobs, there are many, you will need time for memorization. You will begin to understand faster, what the cards say if you become more often practicing. By the way, periodically they can fall out of the deck, in such cases, pay close attention to them, it is believed that in this way they emphasize the importance of what they want to say. Set the energy link with your cards before fortune track, to do this, hold them in your hands, tune in to understanding what they want to convey to you. In general, almost every fortune-up has a personal conspiracy, which they are involved before decomposing the cards. But you can do without it. Drag the deck with your left hand, and towards your heart, remove several cards from above and down to move. Only after that you can proceed to fortune.


You will need to take into account both the meaning of each card and the masters in general, as well as its position (inverted and direct), various combinations of it with other cards that can enhance or weaken its importance. What do you say card suit?

Each of them "answers" for 1 out of 4 elements, important areas of life:

  • ♠ Peaks personify the air, the events they show negative, which you can with losses, deception, fiasco and other problems.
  • ♣ Cross (Trephists) symbolize the element of fire, they speak of power, the social status of man, finance.
  • ♥ Chervy (worms) - their element water is responsible for love, the relationship of man with other people.
  • ♦ Bubnes (Bubi) - their own elements are land, associated with education, business, travel, social life.

If you interpret the value of each card of the table, for example, worms, then remember the following: Ace is a house, a family center, the king is a married or divorced man, a lady - mom, girlfriend il lover, and the currency means problems, 10 is interest or Nadezhda, 9 - a date, 8 will tell you about the conversation, and 7 - about the meeting, but 6 speaks of a trip. More information about this you can find out on that website.

Fortune telling worms

But one simple and very popular fortune telling for a person's loved one: focus on thoughts about it and mix the cards, slide the top of the deck and get one card from the heart. Put down a shirt. Reduce again, get another card and put next to the first. Make it only six times, and you will learn about your beloved quite a lot. In this scenario, the first card will tell you what the one thinks to whom you are guessing. The second is that he is going on on the heart. The third will say that it should happen to him, and the fourth will open all his desires. Map Fifth on the contrary, will give know what he does not want. The sixth means that now happens in the life of your faithful. Do not forget that it is necessary to decipher the values \u200b\u200bof the cards in relation to a particular person, without summarizing. After all, for one same lady, the worms will mean the presence of a number of mothers, and for the other - mistress, that is, treason. Many other solutions you can learn to look at this page.

Fortune telling saver

If from the first time you didn't work out or you did not understand what the cards told you, do not be discouraged and do not throw it an exciting occupation. Soon your best assistant will be intuition.

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