Is it possible to guess

Is it possible to guess

The process of divination is always shrouded in mystery. And in fact, what it is? This question is raised by many, the more that is available to virtually all guessing. On the Internet are many free websites where you have the opportunity to tell fortunes online, and all the newspapers are full of ads with a proposal to such services. Is it possible to participate in this process and how it is harmless? The unequivocal answer is no.

Church, referring to the Bible, answers this question - can not be categorical. After all, the fate of a person can manage only God. Wondering if we are trying to influence the fact that beyond our control. The conclusion is - guessing from the evil one. But people are still wondering. There are no people, where from time immemorial was not soothsayers and fortune-tellers. So, any reason for it. Most likely, the persistence of this phenomenon is explained by concrete results.

Guessing can be interpreted as guessing. It has long been a tradition to make a wish in the New Year's Eve. Foretold for yourself good luck, health, wealth, happy future, we program ourselves to reach these goals. Referring also to sorcerers, we hand them to their fate. Using some their algorithms, they predict, and thus also have a great ability to inspire. If naprorochat something bad, we believe, and thereby give yourself installation for the implementation of negativity. Perhaps this is a sin, because a man has the right to manage the only God.

There is a superstition that when one wonders what he miscalculates their future. They also say that each person has the fate of 7 options, and with the help of divination, he chooses the worst of them. It is difficult to accept, because it happens that the true is good forecasts.

Many Slavic divination occurred at Christmas, Old New Year, Christmas Time. This tradition is still alive today, especially since the internet is not difficult to find a description of the different methods of divination. In the context of a festive atmosphere when you are waiting only pleasant surprises, positive change in your life, it is simply impossible to foretell yourself something bad. Looking to the future for yourself, and you will see the desired groom in a cup with coffee grounds, and in the shadows cast on the wall of wax figures or burning paper, omen rather well change. This divination will not hurt and will only add to the optimism.

In another task the witch - she wants to take power over you, to feel the need to force it. As a good actress, she will play the dramatic scene to make sure they are right, to shock his insight. In fact, it's just a good psychologist and knows how to manipulate. If a person is easily suggestible, nothing good can not be expected from such divination. Common phrases soothsayer he is likely to perceive as a tragic sentence. If you belong to this type of people, to a fortune is better not to go.

The conclusion suggests itself: if you do not give in unconditionally to another's influence, and tend to analyze everything heard and perceived negative predicted as a warning, then guessing will not hurt you. Treat this process as a game, interesting entertainment, a method to diversify leisure.

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