How to find out if there is a damage

How to find out if there is a damage

On the life path of each person an hour from the hour problems and failures appear: from work fired, the child was punished, in the family scandal. But if the random coincidences turn into a coarse pattern, and the chief of the troubles should be continuously, thoughts are told about dark forces. Perhaps you have become a victim of an envious neighbor or a cunning colleague on the work that ever offended by chance? How to determine if there is no damage on you? Our answer is easy. It is difficult to confuse with something: the symptoms are too obvious.

Formerly examine your entrance door. If near the rug scattered salt, husk, water is spilled or foreign objects of incomprehensible origin are lying - most likely they are a "lining" (attribute of damage to damage). Also on the door can be sticking a needle or other small sharp object. Keep in mind all these findings are categorically forbidden to take in hand. If your offender has access to your housing, such things can be inside.

Determine the presence of damage can also be in its physical and psycho-emotional state. If fear, anxiety, eternal anxiety, apathy, depression, bouts of rage, anger and other symptoms have become your eternal satellites - it makes sense to think. Often, the victim of damage suffers not only morally, but also physically. One disease that replaces the other, the absence of a specific diagnosis, frequent painlessness without a certain focus, random fractures, cuts and other injuries in the aggregate can be the result of induced damage.

One of the most frequent negative impacts is damage to infertility or celibacy. If you have been invisible for the opposite sex at one moment, all the relationships are crumbling, never started, and it doesn't even have to dream about pregnancy (after a long time there is no result), it means that you most likely have become a victim of any kind of envious and envious.

Another effective way is to check things. Remember when a chain of your trouble started. Maybe at that time someone from strangers or acquaintances gave you some thing? It can be a handle, a comb, slippers - in general, whatever. If it really really is, it is better to get rid of it, or rather, burn. Sometimes people themselves, who does not know, bring native trouble, giving a damned or conspired by someone's subject.

There are also non-traditional methods of damage recognition. It is worth buying three church candles, put them burning on the table and read the prayer out loud "and God will resurrect." If at this time the flames of candles will be smooth and calm - there are no negative impacts on you. If the flame pegs, changes the angle of inclination, goes out - you are most likely under the influence of damage.

The latest effective advice is to use the services of the Black Cat. No matter how paradoxically sounded, black cats can finely catch the presence of dishonor. If there is no such pet in your apartment, lend a neighbor or ask friends for a couple of days. Wait until the animal is being mastered, take in your arms and sit so minutes 10. If the cat starts to meow loudly, break out, scratching you with claws - it means she felt black magic blowing on you. If everything passes calmly - relax and drop in the direction of stupid thoughts. Behind the black stripe will certainly be white.

I would like to finally add: one of the listed symptoms cannot be confirmed by the porch. Only a complete set of most of them can serve as alarm signal.

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