How to remove damage

How to remove damage

Unfortunately, there are enough people in the world who are tormented by envy. It is envy to money, well-being of other people, love success, achievements at work. To deprive a person of happiness, such people resort to black magic. The person who has been made in a population ceases to fall in the family and in the service. He is pursued by small and major failures. If you have undergone a silt, it does not mean that until the end of the life you will be unhappy. There are many ways to remove damage.

It should be distinguished by damage and just a series of trouble. If you suspect that you have been smoothed, check whether you really have a damage. This will help you a chicken egg and a glass with melt water. Gently break the egg into the water. A glass squeezed in his right hand, lift over your head. A dozen seconds take a look at the egg. If the transparent threads are raised up from it, similar to the tentacles, then there is no doubt: alas, someone imposed on you the evil eye.

First of all, carefully check your home. Most often, the conspiracles are performed with the help of losages - things charged with the destructive force. Such things are unfriendly or in the house, or under the door, if penetrating the home is not possible. Be careful in your search. Near the entrance door, under the rug, in door jams or trim you can detect the needle. It is dangerous to take a needle with unprotected hands. Use paper or cloth to raise this lining and break it. Any other things found are sure to derive away from your apartment and throw out. The lining can penetrate your home and in the form of a gift. Often, rivals pretend to be closer to the victim. Once you have determined the fact of damage, remember what things were given to you or were given in debt lately. It is likely that on one of them and the evil eye is made. From this subject should get rid of immediately.

By eliminating the lining or finding out that the damage was invisible without his help, proceed to purify from the dark power. The healing properties of the water were known in antiquity. And in the removal of damage, water is one of the strongest substances that can absorb negative energy. The first way to get rid of the evil eye is to wash off his ice flow of water. On the ritual of cleansing you will need a day. Once every two hours for two minutes, wash your face with running water. Most attentive be to the eyes. For a few seconds, cover them with wet palms. After each act of washing, shake the fingers, throwing the force of leadership into the flow of water.

Porch and delicate are dark arts. And the healing power of the church will be opposed to them. A person who was exposed to speak, can not get rid of the curse in the church. A close relative, who will visit God's temple for three days in a row and put three candles for the following icons: Jesus, the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker. The church in each of three days will serve a little money with three thumbs. At this moment, repeat the following in your mind: "Lord, donate all the misfortune for rot, yes on a swamp. May it be so! Amen!".

Powered strength can be different. With one type of statement you will handle. For cleansing from another you will need a specialist intervention. The strongest evil eye "for death", as a result of which the victim should die, requires a very difficult ritual of healing. If you feel that you can not get rid of damage, look for a proven lead and make it possible to make dark forces from yourself as soon as possible.

Comments leave a comment 12/27/2016 at 19:02.

Very often, the evil eye leads to the destruction of human energy. If there are unexpected problems at work, at home, in business, relationships, health, then in most cases it is a negative program that destroys your life. This program is also called the evil eye, damage, curse. Only specially trained people can remove the energetics, for example, healers. An ordinary person with these forces can not cope. Always contact the specialists and help you.

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