New above
  • Dependencies
    Each person may experience an insurmountable feeling of anxiety and fear, which is very difficult to overcome, and sometimes we can not even understand what is caused by this unpleasant phenomenon.
    19.02.2017 418 1
  • Dependencies
    You can not quietly go to the store by shopcases with chocolates, cakes, cakes and other sweets?
    09.12.2016 518 2
  • Dependencies
    We can say with confidence that in the life of every person there was parting, most of them even once.
    06.11.2016 503 0
  • Diets, slimming
    Medical studies have shown that almost every third person suffers from overweight.
    24.10.2016 665 2
  • Dependencies
    We often wonder if our loved ones are smoked or not? How to recognize a smokers? In fact, everything is pretty simple, you just need to know the distinctive features of a smoking person from non-smoking.
    16.03.2016 889 0
  • Dependencies
    For the modern rhythm of what is happening, we do not notice how to postpone your affairs for later. For yourself and others find excuses like "all their time" and t.
    04.03.2016 555 0
  • Dependencies
    Magic has long been used by some people for their personal goals. Most often it is applied in love affairs.
    06.02.2016 805 0
  • Dependencies
    Often there are such cases when falling in love by ears, a woman discovers that her beloved has long been married and is not going to change anything in life.
    04.02.2015 1399 0
  • Dependencies
    No in the world of such a person who would be alien to the feeling of fear. No wonder psychologists in one voice claim that fear is on its roots in deep childhood, and with him a person lives throughout the conscious life.
    31.10.2014 929 0
  • Dependencies
    Abuse sweet can cause a number of serious problems in the body. If it functions normally, it should not be dragged to certain products.
    30.10.2014 2810 1
  • Dependencies
    It would seem that such a terrible can happen if drinking a periodically a bottle-other beer? It is a low alcohol, and therefore should not cause serious harm to the body.
    21.10.2014 1241 0
  • Dependencies
    Smoking is a serious dependence on which it is hard to get rid of independently. Most people cannot part with a bad habit without the help of others.
    12.10.2014 1185 1
  • Dependencies
    Modern man unreasonably spends a long time in front of the computer. Reading news, useful and interesting information, various games, forums, social networks, films, music - computer delays itself as a magnet, gradually turning a person in his fan.
    21.09.2014 1534 1
  • Diseases
    When there is an alcoholic in the family, then all his relatives living nearby suffer. Heart diseases, nervous disorders are not a complete list of what households can get in constant stress.
    31.07.2014 946 2

