What is procrastination

What is procrastination

For the modern rhythm of what is happening, we do not notice how to postpone your affairs for later. For yourself and others find excuses like "all their time", etc. But soon, such behavior becomes a lifestyle and to get out of such a situation, it becomes no power. In science, such behavior even got its own name - procrastination. We will understand more, which is this phenomenon.

What is procrastination

In psychology, procrastination (from lat. Pro - Crastinus) means unhealthy transfer of urgent and important cases for later. Most often it happens when, days or even minutes remain on the task. Subsequently, due to such a constant neglect of time with a person, various troubles happen and even health problems appear.

Students, schoolchildren and office workers are prone to procrastination. But we will be honest, each of us was at least once in such a situation, regardless of our status.

Causes of procrastination

  • Saving time. If we know that a certain period is set to fulfill the task, let's say in 2 months, and we are confident that they are able to fulfill it in 2 weeks, then all the rest we will devote something else.
  • Saving their strength. This reason relates more to those who rarely postpone their affairs for later, but just want to relax a little. After a small rest, the person returns to the task.
  • Unwillingness or laziness. The reason for pushing things is that a person elementary does not want to perform them. And he pulls out this unpleasant moment as longer as possible.

How about this with procrastination

For those who want to get rid of this "illness" there are several simple techniques, and in particular:

  • We define with tasks per day. From this list, choose the most unwanted and unpleasant thing and put it in the first place. After performing it at the very beginning, we get rid of the shipment and the remainder of the day is much easier than if we were as usual postponed it. If it is very difficult to go to such a lesson at once, then we try with a smaller task.
  • After the fulfillment of any case, we allocate the right to a breather. We give yourself a setting - "I will perform and then rest."
  • We change your attitude to the problem. All things and concerns need to be performed solely with pleasure. No need to go against their principles and fear disapproval from the head, family, etc.
  • We do not expect the first numbers of the month and do business immediately as soon as they appear. If we are waiting for something, we will miss a significant number of opportunities. Remember: "Under the lying stone, water does not flow." No one will do anything for us while we ourselves do not raise themselves from the sofa and do not begin to act with this minute.
  • We share big things into smaller. You do not need to try to do everything immediately.
  • Stop to engage in self-deception and take the will in a fist. If you decide to take something, then it is necessary to perform.

If you decide to achieve in the life of conceived heights, then you are not on the path with procrastination. None of the great man would have achieved what he had, if all his plans were transferred for later. Therefore, if you want a life of a full-fledged and bright life, then from such a "illness" as a procrastination you need to get rid. Not in vain, we were told from childhood: "Do not delay tomorrow what you can do today."

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