What happens after death

What happens after death

What will happen to us when the time comes to leave this world? Those who survived clinical death, in one voice, are told about a long tunnel, at the end of which bright and warm light. And we are told that there, behind the line, well, serene and calmly. Then why so scary to die? What happens after death? If you consider death as the liberation of the astral body from the earth, then further specialists see so.

Death from an energy point of view is not perceived as an end, but as a reboot with a bright burst of energy. The amplitude and strength of this burst depends on the level of human spiritual development at the end of its earthly path. The higher the spiritual level of the deceased, the higher its astral, mental and essential body rise. It rarely happens so that the four mental bodies and the human astral body rise beyond the limits of the Earth and come out beyond our galaxy. But it happens only if the person managed to complete the earthly evolution by the time of his death.

After the death of the shower or the essence of a person remains near his body. It is kept threads of the nervous system, which by 9 days of rest are destroyed. But then the essential body cannot continue its path. During the year, it remains beside the earthly body in anticipation, when the latest organic inclusions in bone tissue will disintegrate.

A year after death, the Astral body of a person can get into the astral level of the planet (in religion this level is called paradise). This will happen only if there are no sinful spots on the karmic area. Sin passes through the threads of negative, black energy both through the earth and through the astral and essential body of a person. Such energy keeps him after death, does not give rise to higher. Also comes with suicides, since imprisonment of life is the greatest unforgivable sin. It is impossible to go to the astral level and souls of those who mumfed. Thus, most of the essential and astral bodies of monks buried in the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra are still roaming on the ground because the chemical composition of the soil and air in the caves does not allow the cells of their bodies to finally die, which holds the soul.

There is a theory that other essential bodies come at the time of death. They are sent to facilitate the transition to the dying. As a rule, the souls of familiar people come to the rescue. They explain the noise on the mental level, which often hears the dying (this is the same burst of energy), help pass the tunnel to get to the light. Usually these souls do not have individuals or a certain, familiar physical form.

In the book of Raymond Moody "Life after life" Describes a meeting with light. All those who survived clinical death tell that this light can definitely be called a creature from which love and kindness comes. This creature talks to the dead, asks him questions, and then shows the pictures of his life, offering to analyze it. In this analysis, there is no reproach or a hint of punishment. Only the desire to teach the lesson, help the deceased draw conclusions.

Ultimately, if the decision is made that the person's life path is over, it is helped by a certain feature that allows me to move the essential and astral body further. If, in a conversation with a bright being, it turns out that it is necessary to continue the earthly path, the etheric body of a person returns to the earthly by means of irresistible attraction.

At the end, we note that everyone who survived clinical death and returned to the world of living, noted that it is not scary to die. On the contrary, a sense of serenity and ease appears, as if it should be. Rarely who feels what should remain on earth. Rather, on the contrary, I want to continue my unearthly way to other worlds.

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