What will happen in the future

What will happen in the future

To open the plane of tens of years and look into the future, almost everyone dreams. Periodically, this is done with different success, they do priority, science fiction writers and even weather forecasters. Some assumptions are quite real, and to other believe it is very difficult. So what does the planet expect, and a person in particular?

First of all, global urbanization. Most of the population of the Earth moves to cities and megalopolis. Little rural residents will only produce food, exploiting robots.

Total monitoring of each individual will be introduced. The person's body will introduce a specific identifier as today's tax identification code.

Most national monetary units will disappear. Will function in a single world currency. Most likely, it will be electronic.

The rapid development of genetic engineering. New animal species, plants will appear.

There will be new types of transport. The appearance of their appearance will change beyond recognition, and moving the car of the future will move through the air. Controls the autopilot. Gasoline or other fuel will no longer need: the motor runs from electricity or solar cell energy.

People will learn to communicate with the help of thought. Telepathy will be the usual thing.

The human race will become higher, but weaker will lose their hair on the head, the fifth finger on the feet feet. The immune system will be weakened and is no longer so important, because modern medicine struggles with any diseases. Our brain will be less in terms of volume, because the computer will begin to memorize the information instead.

To have sex, you will not have to look for a partner. This can be done in virtual reality. Such a partner is always near, he does not hurt a head and he will not get tired.

Humanity moves into the ocean depths, where real colonies will be built for growing fish, algae and other foods.

All these predictions are made on the basis of an analysis of the development rate of modern technologies, their focus. The main thing is that unfavorable predictions do not come true, somehow war or natural cataclysms.

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