How to become fairy fire

How to become fairy fire

Girls like small, fluttering fairies, possessing magical power. They manage different elements. Do you dream of turning the Fire Faja? If the desire sincere and is directed to good, then it will be fulfilled.

Analyze your temperament and character to become Fire Fire

In front of the mysterious rite of reincarnation, analyze your temperament and character. Incontinence, impatience and quick temper will not help become Fier Fire. Work on yourself and get rid of these negative qualities of your nature. It is necessary for your safety purposes. If another power of fire will be added to the "hot" qualities of character - you will become more quick-tempered and impatient. This will negatively affect the relationship with others.

Remember that the magic forces donated to the fairy should be used only for good deeds. If they go to harm others, the fairy will quickly take the presented magic back.

Picture 2.

Turn into fairy fire with wishes on paper

Your actions are as follows:

  • on a small piece of paper, write what you wish to become the Fier's Fire. Instead of wishes, you can draw a fairy with wings on a sheet. Do it before bedtime;
  • drink a glass of ordinary water;
  • paper thrown into the open window as far as possible;
  • go to bed and try to sleep immediately. In the morning you will wake up the fabulous fairy with the power of fiery elements.

Picture 3.

Appeal to Fayam to become Fire Fire

Refer to Fire Fire asking us to give magic power. Your actions are as follows:

  • early sunny in the morning go out on nature. This is a forest, a park or any open area. Try to be deserted place;
  • stand up towards the sun. Arrange hands on the sides, raise your head up to the sun. Feel like warm rays touched you. Tune in heat;
  • call with a whisper three times the Fier Fire. If there is a slight air movement - this is the wave of the wings of the fairies. Ask her to give magic power, and tell me that power is necessary for good;
  • say the following phrase: "Wings from sunlight woven, the power of magical nature donated, now I am a real fairy and can work wonders."

You will feel how from sunlight you have invisible, but real fairy wings. This is a gift of nature.

Picture 4.

Turn in the fire of fire near the fire

When using this method, the transformation should be very careful and be able to ignite a small bonfire. Ask dad or older brother to help you. In no case do not incite the fire yourself, it should only make adults. The bonfire must be found away from the trees, in the open area so that there is no fire. The ritual is held before dawn. Little bonfire is deepened, proceed to the ritual:

  • sit before the fire in the lotus position. Look continuously on the burning flame. Imagine that they have gained the possibility of glowing. It is impossible to touch the fire!
  • tune in to communicate with the fairy and call it with a whisper three times. Sake foliage at dusk, and blew a light breeze? This fairy heard your request!
  • ask Fairy so that it shares the magic force. Welcome to you for good;
  • go home and go to bed. If everything is done correctly - in the morning it will be wary of the real fairy.

Instead of a fire, you can skip the candle and do a ritual near her. But this also needs to be done in nature, not at home. Gas stove for rituals does not fit! What is natural fire in it? Yes, and troubles can be done a lot in the apartment.

Picture 5.

Fairies take into their ranks of all who believe in magic. But do not forget about the real world. Create good and help others - this is the work of Fairy. And for this you do not need any rituals.

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