How to become cool at school

How to become cool at school

You re-read a lot of articles on "how to be cool", but do not know how to apply these skills in school? School - it is a stressful and complex environment, but the attitude to it depends on your perception. If you take care of themselves, will be an open and friendly person, you will begin to do what you're interested in - you will achieve your goals and become steeper.

How to be cool in school - what is measured by the slope of?

Girls are scratching their heads, trying to become popular, and the guys are trying to get the status of a steep. We all have different tasks that can be solved, if desired. Now we consider the notion of "cool." Imaginary steepness is measured in:

  • expensive devaysakh;
  • fashionable and expensive belongings;
  • accentuation of its forces or the mind;
  • serious relationships;
  • contemptuous attitude towards their elders.

Why do we call all these imaginary signs? Because it's not cool. Cool start making money, pick up cool individual style clothes, cool, this is when you are strong, but do not offend the weak. Cool does not happen all the time. The steepness can be manifested in different situations. What is measured by the slope of the real? This ability to defend their principles, when pressed around you. If a person has the power of the spirit, that it is steep. Here are a few examples of manifestations of this coolness

  • go to fight alone against several opponents;
  • earn money and go to school;
  • do not smoke when around all smoke;
  • defend their opinion, even if it is ridiculed;
  • in great detail to know the structure of a complex mechanism;
  • learn complex tricks (jumping on a skateboard, riding a bike with no hands or push-ups on one hand).

How to be cool in school - good looks

Every person is celebrated by clothes. Your today's clothing style tomorrow will reflect on the attitude with friends. This means that the attitude to you depends on the style of clothing. Review your wardrobe. Little things - give up McDonalds and update the wardrobe. You should not just wear something on yourself, but to be the most stylish in class. The image must be flawless.

How to become cool at school - glasses

Think glasses this interference becomes cool? Buy a stylish frame that is suitable for you. With such glasses you will not look like a botany - they will emphasize your attractiveness and brutality. Bad vision is not a vice for life. Pay attention, now the guys wear a rim with simple glasses, because they are trying to seem steep. There is only one condition - frame should approach your face type.

Cool schoolboy

A real steep guy to give a damn what the rest think about him. He necessarily has a hobby that makes him slightly shorten. It can be racing motorcycle or professional battles. He can be a champion in any sport. He does not participate in school politics. He does not dramatize and it has no banal hobbies.

How to become cool at school - comfort zone

You must be prepared for the fact that you have to leave your comfort area towards popularity. Not every person likes excessive attention to others. Not everyone can flirt on the public, joke and communicate. This is the whole life of steep guys, so you have to abandon comfort.

How to become cool at school - blacklist

This is what a steep guy should avoid.

  • Greed. Family to share something from your "set", such as candy, using the phrase: "This is mine, do not give."
  • Related. A friend stumbled, and you laugh.
  • Honor. Father Businessman? They didn't think of him, this is his merit, it is he cool, but what will come out of you - time will tell.
  • Jarming. The word is bad in itself. The man who at least once sinned no longer becomes cool. Such people hate.

To become cool, you need to be attractive and strong. Sign up for martial arts or rocking chair. You can even train yourself at home. Do each day for 1 hour and you will notice the result. Your body will begin to differ from the tel of classmates who are sitting behind computers. Each steep guy has an incredibly beautiful girl. It is necessary to experience sympathy, and not just spending time together. In order for a popular girl to pay attention to you, you need to conquer her heart with compliments, gifts and unusual actions.

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