How to enter the Cadet School

How to enter the Cadet School

Absolutely every parent dreams that his son grew up a real man, he received a decent education, had patriotic education, became responsible, reliable, purposeful person. To achieve this to parents help the best teachers and military Russia working in Cadet Corps. Today we will talk about how to get the proud title of cadet.

How to enter the Cadet School

Over the country, the new cadets of 62 cadet buildings are actively working across the country. As you can see, very little educational institutions of this profile are assigned to all Russian boys and girls. It is for this reason that the future cadet will have to compete for his place passing hard selection. It is necessary to prepare to be prepared for the difficult struggle and begin training for six months, and even for the year, because, as a rule, 10, and even 15 people can claim one place.

The state has foreseen benefits for some categories of families whose children are credited without a competition and entrance exams:

  • Child of a serviceman.
  • Orphans, officially devoid of parental care.
  • Military child, suspended from official duties due to state reduction.
  • The child of the serviceman who died during service.
  • Children owners of the Order of Glory, the heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia.

To confirm the presence of any benefits, you must provide the relevant documents.

How to enter the Cadet School - Age

Military schools, corps and colleges take guys from different ages. In some cadet schools - on boarding schools, you can already instill with the child's love for your homeland and teach construction preparation. But mostly, the kit is carried out in all corps of Russia at the end of the graduate school. In the Cadet schools it is advisable to flow after 8-9 class, with the subsequent transfer to the Military Institute.

How to enter the Cadet School - Medical Indicators

Since the cadet buildings are preparing future officers, pride and defenders of their homeland, then first of all, the state of the health of the incoming one is estimated. At the collection of information, the passage of diagnostic research and testing can take more than two months, consider this factor in order not to be late with the submission of documents. To begin with, the incoming need to get honey. Certificate of form 086-y, with conclusions:

  • Neuropathologist, ophthalmologist.
  • Surgeon, orthopedic.
  • Cardiologist, endocrinologist.
  • Dentist, psychiatrist, dermatologist.
  • Pediatrician, with personal signature and print heads of hospital.

In addition, the Commission will require the results of diagnostic studies, such as:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and abdominal cavity.
  • ECG after exercise and at rest.
  • Fluorography.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Deployed analysis on RW, hepatitis and HIV.
  • Research scraping on enterobiosis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • The study of the feces to the presence of the eggs of helminths and the cysts of Giardia.

It should be known that there is a certain number of diseases in which the candidate will not be selected, exclusively as a state of health - bronchial asthma of medium and severe, diabetes, obesity 4 degrees, tuberculosis, mental disorders, nervous system diseases, various eye disease, liver disease, Cancer, hernia, heart and blood disease.

How to enter the Cadet School - Readability and Exams

In the second place, the receiving board is closely exploring the final challenge of the audibility of the candidate. The future cadet must be at least a good one and have an excellent assessment on physical training. When admission after grade 4, applicants pass exams:

  • Russian language - dictation or presentation.
  • Mathematics - a written control task.
  • Physical education will hand over candidates incoming after grade 9 - running, tightening and push-ups.

The conversation with a psychologist is held everywhere and always, it is a mandatory part of the entrance tests. The psychologist studies the child with the help of his tests and confidence conversation.

How to enter the Cadet School - Documents and Time

The legislation establishes a single term of the beginning and end of the work of the reception board in military institutions - from April 15 to June 1. You can find the most accurate information on the personal site, the selected Cadet Corps. The list of the required package of documents is quite extensive, it also needs to be collected in advance:

  • Personal application from the incoming and separate from the parents.
  • Birth certificate. For children, over 14 years old, the original and photocopy of the passport of all pages is required.
  • Tabel performance, signed by the director of the institution.
  • Medical reference filled in form 086-y, information about prof. vaccinations in form N 63, an extract from a personal map, a certificate from the phthisiartra, a copy and the original of the medical policy.
  • Originals and photocopies of passports of parents or guardians.
  • If the father and mother are officially employed, a certificate will be required, for non-working - a copy of the employment record.

The Commission also identifies applicants who have copies of diplomas, diplomas, certificates and awards obtained as a result of training activities.

As you can see, have a proud title - the cadet is not at all difficult! Already at the preparatory stage, the future defender of his country is aware of the seriousness and significance of training in the Cadet Corps!

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