How to see a man of man

How to see a man of man

In order to see the human aura, you do not need to have special supernatural abilities. But, like any skill, this skill requires long training. Anything can happen with both the first and the thirtieth time. It is important not to dwell on failure and continue over and over again without losing the spirit of success.

Getting started viewing the human aura

To see the aura (at least in the first times), certain conditions are necessary:

  • A person whose aura you want to see, should be placed on the background of bright walls without patterns. Ideally, if it is off-white.
  • Room light should fall on the object, to stand in front of him. Some say that the worst is suitable artificial light lamps and sunlight dispels the aura that prevents her perception. Ideal - candles.
  • Ask the person to whom you want to see the aura, relax and breathe deeply.
  • You yourself must also be relaxed in a comfortable position.

Methods of viewing the aura

See the aura may not be as easy as it seems at first glance. For this:

  • Put the person at a distance of half a meter from the wall, stand up for yourself to two or three meters away from him.
  • Look through the head and shoulders of the subject, concentrated look at the wall behind him.
  • The first sign that you have it turns out, is the etheric body - you'll see it as a luminous body contour.
  • Continuing to look through a person so after a while you will see a vast glow of silver and yellow. This is the aura.

Try to use a different background, light, experiment with different subjects (not necessarily human beings), and then you will be able to more quickly and more clearly see the aura, as well as to better distinguish colors.

Tips for viewing the aura

To see the aura, you need to have in their arsenal a good attitude and a few tricks:

  • during aura viewing Think about something good, but do not focus on it, otherwise clear the head of thoughts;
  • you do not need to focus on the expectation that all will turn out, scroll through it in my head. Focus on looking through the man;
  • it is important to set yourself up for this way: "I am in harmony with the universe. Universe - a part of me ";
  • do not worry and do not despair. It did not work the first time? Set aside until tomorrow, relax.

Exercises to see the aura

This fact is important training. The first experience can be made in these exercises, and go after people.

  • At night or in the late evening exit to the balcony. Look through your hand against the sky. It would be better if it is illuminated by the light from the room. Soon you will notice the bright outline around the fingers.
  • Evening stared unfocused gaze in the aura of the trees: their light is often easy to see.
  • Train for the day: defocused stare treat people on the street, objects, pets.

That's all you need to know to see the human aura. Perhaps mastering this art takes a lot of time. It is worth remembering that all people are different: someone's aura can be seen brighter, someone on the contrary. Gain experience, and over time you will be able to see the aura of any person immediately.

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