How to survive parting with your loved one

How to survive parting with your loved one

We can say with confidence that in the life of every person there was parting, most of them even once. Of course, it seems to everyone that there is nothing terrible and perhaps you even gave many different advice to people who had to survive this. But what to do, when to survive this serious condition and you? What to do when everything that is around us seems to us completely uninteresting and gray? Let's try to figure it out.

How to survive parting with your beloved - what can I do?

When a loved one leaves, many simply are lowered hands and many negative thoughts begin to score heads. Therefore, with absolute accuracy, we can say that it is categorically impossible to do the following:

  • In no case should not agree on "let's stay friends." Few some of this came out something good. Most often these are extra tears, suffering, constant thoughts about a person who is no longer any business.
  • It is also not necessary to get involved in the role of the victim. Yes, it is very good that you have enough friends who will support you and listen at the right time (if so, then you are a very happy person). But to complain every day per person - it means constantly thinking about it. In this way, you will again make yourself worse.
  • Do not get closed in yourself. It is best to share grief with people close to you, and they will help you survive the tragedy. At such a time it is best to spend alone quite a long time. But it is not necessary to get involved in how it was mentioned above.
  • Never! Do you hear me? Never water your loved one's dirty! Also, you do not need to tell his secrets or some bad moments from life to others. It will only lower you in the eyes of people, and it will not be easier for you. People simply stop you respect because of such behavior.
  • Well, of course, nor in any cases should try to do something with you. Psychologists have long proved that in this way a person just wants to attract attention. But it is worth remembering that it will not change anything, but will make it worse and all your loved ones. So for what to do is for the latter, if they did not guilty before you and wish you only the best?!

How to survive parting with your beloved - what to do

Now let's talk about what is best to do with such a difficult situation in your life to survive it as much as possible.

  • First you need to throw out of your life, everything that torments you may even infuriate. Get rid of things that are associated with this person. Yes, it will be hard, but believe me that it is worth it. Everything that reminds you of him or about it should instantly disappear from your life.
  • Next should be stopped to blame yourself in everything or deal with who and what is to blame. You no longer need to do anything, respectively, there is no need to do this. Also, you do not need to try to take revenge. It will not lead anything good. Here you need to understand that if it happened, it means life prepares you a new surprise, which will be at times better than the previous one. And believe me, it is always so there.
  • It is also best to remove a person who caused you this pain from all social networks so that nothing else has connected you in life. Remove it or her number and try to forget your address. It is also best to bypass "general places" in order to once again not hurt yourself. Perhaps some of you think that this is some kind of kindergarten, but no. Such a decision will save you from the opportunity to see what has changed in the life of this person (and such curiosity can easily drive you into depression).
  • Best of all at such a time to engage yourself, by its development. Find a lesson in the shower. It may be a gym, reading, care for pets or learning something new and, of course, much more. You can also start learning more (if you are a student) or work, it is best to distract you from obsessive thoughts.
  • The best way to survive parting with your loved one will just find yourself another. In no case should not look for a replacement in order to take revenge on your former beloved to prove that you are worth something and to show that such a man has lost a lot. This will again introduce you to depression. This needs to be done already with a clean heart, just to have sincere desire.

And, finally, I would like to say that only releasing the past, we can get a new best future. You must understand: everything that is not done is always for the better. And on a person who was still quite recently so close to you, life does not erect. She, on the contrary, begins to gain new bright tones.

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