How to arrange people

How to arrange people

Each sooner or later thinks about how to learn to place people. After all, without knowing these, it is very difficult to live in the current society. Even if you do not feel problems when communicating, it will also be useful for it to read it and make something new for yourself. So, these skills will be worthless absolutely to everyone.

A request for favor. Known this technique as the effect of the name of the famous Benjamin Franklin. Somehow Benjamin had to achieve the location of one person, but the person did not face Franklin. Then he very carefully and politely appealed to him with a request to give him a book that was quite rare. Having received her, he even more flattering him at the same time, and so they became comrades. The whole secret is that a person who once made you a service thinks that you will not refuse him when a compelling offer, and therefore more willingly and next time will come to help.

Ask more than required. To get the desired, enough in the first request to ask a person to do something a little more or even unreal. It is very likely that you will get a failure. Then you can already ask what you planned initially - a person will be so uncomfortable after the first refusal that he will respond to the second request more eagerly.

Call the name of a person in conversation - the key to achieving the result. Dale Carnegie, a well-known American psychologist, proves that if, when talking with a person, call him by name, then it will significantly increase the chances to arrange him. After all, one's own name is very pleasant, and this contributes to to be more condescending to the opponent.

Flattery. It may seem that in this case it is obvious, but everything is not so simple. After all, if I flatter is lying, it will only bring harm, and anything good-natured location to you cannot go. Cognitive balance, this is exactly what is determined - if flattering is directed towards a person with an overpriced self-esteem, then your words will only confirm his opinion about yourself, and it will certainly like it. But if the flattery is expressed by a person with a clearly understated self-esteem, it can cause disagreement between your words and his opinion about himself, and you will move away from each other (but it does not imply that with such people it is worth using criticism instead of flattery).

Mimicria, it is reflected. It often turns out that you yourself unaware, repeat the Maneru of speech, behavior and even gestures. It is not wonderful that this can be achieved and consciously. It has long been proven that people are much more positive with a person who repeats their manners, even if he does not contribute to a special contribution to the conversation. Most likely, the same factors are manifested here as with the pronunciation of the opponent, a person is nice to hear, and in our case it also see a similar manner.

Easy communication

Using fatigue. The fatigue of a person makes it more trouble-free, because it affects not only the body, but also on mental energy and its level. Therefore, if you contact at this moment to a person with a request, then he most likely agrees, but will say that it will perform this tomorrow, for example. After all, today he will definitely not do anything, and tomorrow he will do the promise. When giving a word, most people try to keep it, because otherwise psychological inconvenience is experienced.

Listen and analyze. Say the interlocutor that he is not right - not the best strategy in order to achieve favor. It is necessary to act differently, namely, listen to a person, try to find out what he feels at that moment and why. This will give you the opportunity to see common features in your, at first sight, drastically different expressions. First, it is worth paying attention to the general traits of your statements, after which the interlocutor listens to other points of view.

Repeating and practicing all of the methods listed above, you can significantly increase the location of people to yourself. Each individual method and does not guarantee 100% of the result, but try unequivocally. Do not despair after an unsuccessful attempt, and it is better to wait time and try out one of the other methods.

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