How to ask for the money men

How to ask for the money men

What a delicate situation for women - to ask for money from men. This question arises not only lovers of expensive gifts and unnecessary spending. Sometimes a woman really need financial help. Why are we afraid to take this step? What causes lie deep inside the psychology of women? And, most importantly why this fear must be overcome - this will be our article.

In today's world, a girl from childhood prepared for independence. If a woman wants to respect themselves and to be independent, it is obliged to do everything herself: to work, to provide for themselves, pay all its vagaries. No wonder that in the exemplary disciple of such a system at the time the request is triggered limiter. After all, financial aid makes a woman dependent and should humiliate her dignity, hurt pride. All these prejudices hinder us when you need to act. As a result, the request for assistance or delayed at all, either because of internal restraints sounds like an order or a plea.

To begin with, remember an important point. A man wants to give you money. The man - earner. Next to the woman he wants to be strong, able to solve its problems. Independence of women only repels the opposite sex, gives him a sense of inadequacy. By its nature, the stronger sex is initially looking for a companion, which can take care of. After all, how male qualities can be shown if the lady herself able to resolve their issues? Your request once again to give the man a chance to feel like a fit. Besides touching weakness will make you in the eyes of the young man even more feminine.

So when you are keenly aware that apply to a man asking for money not only "convenient", but also useful, learn to ask for dignity. Women admit the following errors:

  1. Instead of a direct request, use hints. It should be understood that men are arranged differently. The phrase "Oh, what gloves I saw in the store" will not be for a man to help direct indication.
  2. They do not ask for, and demand. Most often this happens when the lady is not sure that doing the right thing, zagovarivaya of material resources. Also, sharpness - a consequence of a long waiting. The woman initially tries to help itself, and when it can not cope with displeasure is the man. But no one wants to put pressure on him. In addition, aggressive woman is not attractive.
  3. Do not ask, and try to manipulate. Sounds phrase "You must!". The man realizes that he really has to take care of his companion, but the pleasure such care it is not exactly bring.

Critical errors are excluded, then the time has come right action:

  1. The request for money will not make you dependent on men. Be aware of the desire of men to help you financially.
  2. Remind your problem. Patiently to talk to him a second, third, and fifth time. Men are so constructed that they need to understand your request. And in the end seemed to be to come to a decision to give you money.
  3. Drop the habit of hinting. Only directly and specifically only express its position. Otherwise, you risk not to convey to men the meaning of the request.
  4. Do not start a conversation when your companion is upset or tired. Let it be well fed, rested in body and soul.
  5. Do not be a victim. Speak with dignity.
  6. A man must believe that he alone cope with your problem. Believe in yourself and this is when the plant is talk about money.
  7. Be grateful. Make a sincere compliment to the young man. As you are lucky to have him! How do you envy of your friends! In what will be thrilled with all of the acquisition, which you do with the money!

That's all the advice that will help you throw off the shackles of self-doubt, fear, shame. Remember only that the request for money should be the forces of man. No man will be satisfied if it can not solve the financial problems of its women.

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Yana 03.30.2018 at 11:05

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