How to understand yourself

How to understand yourself

The desire to understand itself occurs when the life that goes wrong. For example, you must make a difficult choice, to solve the problem, evaluate their feelings, to decide on future plans, priorities, etc. Some effective exercises to help you regain composure and put everything on the shelves.

When you stay at rest, take a sheet and a pen. Write yourself the questions below and answer in writing. This approach will allow you to analyze your mistakes, to come to certain conclusions and understand what to do next. Questions:

  • What is it I do not like? Why?
  • What circumstances led me to this?
  • What do I want? Why? Why do I deserve this?
  • What I am ready for this?

In the lives of many people there are certain lists of things that are included in the "want" category and a "must". Try to clearly distinguish between these cases. You will be able to achieve inner harmony, if understand exactly what you want. Write a letter to yourself from the future. How exactly do you see yourself in a certain number of years? Write, do not hesitate, you will be able to come to this. Include in the letter everything - your relationship, place of residence, work, hobbies, etc. Then re-read carefully described. This allows you to define the core values.

If you do not know how to perform a particular goal, start to look for and learn all the information about it. Communicate with people who are related to it. Sooner or later, you will find the answer to your question. Then plan your list of required actions to achieve and incorporate them into your daily plan. In the evening always plan the next day.

Try to carry out the plan. People who always bring the case to the end, a clear understanding of what to do next. There is a certain clarity and confidence. If you are already a few months can not be conceived elementary, it is no wonder that there is confusion. Unsatisfied things start to "push" and lay down on the soul a heavy burden. Over time, these cases accumulate more and more, so about any mental balance can not be considered.

If you are severely torturing a particular psychological problem, and you can not think about anything else, try to calm down. For a while distract from it. Watch a movie, take a walk with friends or do something useful. Leave the problem for a few days, but write down exactly when you come back to this issue. Thus, your mind will become clear, will come new ideas, and you will be able to soberly assess the situation. In many cases, then it turns out that the problems in general, and did not exist.

If your life is the person you really trust to talk to him heart to heart. Tell him everything that had accumulated, and hear his opinion on this matter. People find it very difficult to give yourself advice on their own, because they do not see themselves from the outside. Besides strongly disturbing emotions. If you are psychologically very bad condition and has reached a critical point, consult a therapist. Many private specialists first consultation free of charge. You can also get advice from beginners psychologists for free on the internet. There are city and regional mental hospital, where consultation and subsequent treatment are free.

If you are a believer, read the daily prayer. Several times a week to visit the temple. You will see that in the soul reigns peace and will be much easier, and then there will be new ideas that will put everything in its place. This method is tested by many people.

Personal development starts with self-knowledge. If you do not know what to do, do not worry - sooner or later the search itself will lead to answers. In most situations, all made clear on the first day, when a person picks up a pen and a sheet with a clear intention to understand themselves and to send life back on track.

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