How to find out that man is lying

How to find out that man is lying

Did you manage to meet an absolutely honest person in life? Unlikely. Each of us once had to lie, but someone could just embellish the events or, on the contrary, do not finish anything, and someone purposefully deceives others. So how to determine if the interlocutor is lying? Let's try to figure it out together.

First of all, the deceiver gives the language of his body. As if a person did not try to change his gesture and control the television, it would still look ridiculous and unnatural. The fact that a person tells you will be clearly to diverge with how he behaves at that moment. Lygunov usually try not to show your palms, teasing the edges of the clothes and strive not to let out of the hands of some objects, whether it is a handle or a lighter - it doesn't matter.

During the conversation, the voice of the deceiver often becomes higher and louder, and the timbre is unnaturally accelerated or slowed down. Watch the muscles of the face of his interlocutor, the lgunov can twitch the eyelids or eyebrows.

If you can hide other emotions for a smile, then the eyes most often speak only the truth. Their expression is controlled unrealistic. A person who tells a lie, with difficulty can look into the eyes of the interlocutor, in conversation he tries to take a look and often looks into the floor. At the moment when the deceiver is lying, he can stop blinking, and then on the contrary, blinking more often than usual.

If your interlocutor often concerns the hands of his face, trying to cover the eyes or ears - the likelihood is that you are a liar. In addition, he can bite her lips and touch his nose - it is also evidence that a person doubts his words.

People who are often lying, always try to make focus on their honesty. They will "put the hand on the heart" and insist that you recognize your confidence in it. Liages are trying by any way to place a companion to themselves and distract him from unnecessary questions. A well-thought-out liesel will give out without a stick and easily can tell the story in the second, and for the third time. But if you start specifying anything - it will begin to get off and do long pause between the answers.

Perhaps you will not immediately be able to distinguish, the person is lying or telling the truth. But a little learning, you will remember all signals of deception and, if necessary, easily print the liar on clean water.

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