Is there a damage to damage in fact? The answer is controversial. But when something is not laid, there are no strength or physical, nor moral, and doctors argue that you are completely healthy, many come to the conclusion that they cause damage.
Find out if you have a damage, you can use the egg. The egg should be from the home chicken. Sit in front of the icon. The egg can be rolled through the body yourself, but it is better to ask the person to whom you trust. Rooting starts from head clockwise, then, without taking the egg from the body, go to the spine and take turns running hands and legs. After the procedure, the egg is broken into a glass with water and consider the contents. If you see the protein caps, columns or a web, and on the yolk black or blood points - it means that you have a damage. Water with an egg is drained into the toilet with the words "conspiracy, damage, illness, clean water, carry (or God created by the Earth, take) in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!". For the removal of the damage spend the egg 7 days in a row.
It is important to clean not only a person, but also the house. Cleaning the house is made on a decreasing moon. Open windows or files. Carpets Sprinkle salt and speuthes. In a bucket with water, add the coloration of herbs - a turn, wormwood, a hunter and 3 tbsp. Spoons of salt. Wash the floor from the far room to the threshold. Pour the dirty water into the street with the words "where came from - there and go, who created - that takes." Go around the house with a church candle, representing how the whole negative burns. If the candle begins to smoke - delay in this place. Put a candle to get to the icon.
Water relieves negative energy well. Take a bath with sea salt or herbs. Sit in Balke with a oak or birch broom. After the steam room, stand under the shower, cross and say it: "Where the water, there and the thrust".
Do not believe the gypsies and psychics who are ready to remove damage to you for remuneration. These people are good psychologists and have a great power of conviction. First of all, they will kill in the fact that you have a damage, and you will not get rid of it for one session. After you give gypsy your decorations or empty the bank card to pay attention to psychic, you will forget about damage. Because you will have other problems - financial or regret that you are so easily parted with a gold chain or wedding ring.
Carry amulets and carries from damage and evil eye. Believers are a native cross, which should not be set off, and wear under clothes. A thread of red wool yarn is considered a strong faith. Thread tie on the wrist of the right hand. The simplest chaff is a British pin, hugging from the wrong side of the clothes. At night, the pin chips and leave open, in the morning they return to the place. If the pin was darkened - jump it, and stick a new one on the clothes. The amulet is made in the form of a ring, coast, necklaces, bracelet or belt. Materials for making amulets and facing - stone, various herbs, thread, bone. You can buy charm or make it yourself. The power of the overag is not in the form, but in your faith in the fact that it will save you from the evil eyes and leaders.
The damage exists as much as a person believes in it. Change your attitude to life. If you think that the crown of celibacy is on you - do your appearance. If health problems - watch your meals, get rid of bad habits, sign up into the fitness club. A man, confident in himself, is not afraid of any damage.