How to remove the crown of celibacy

How to remove the crown of celibacy

No superstitious skeptics are confident that the crown of celibacy is no more than no more than an unprecedented, and the real problem of the lack of family life is due to the psychological attitude and the overestimated criteria for the selection of their male. But oddly enough, after holding a rite, most participants noted a positive result and family well-being.

Before proceeding with the ritual, you need to make sure that the curse was actually imposed. Magical rites are not a joke and a rush here is inappropriate, on the contrary, be patient and be balanced. There are two options, how to determine if there is a curse or not. You need three days to wear a silver ring without removing, and preferably on a ring finger. Two days later, closer to the end of the third, remove the ring. Lower it into a glass of pre-prepared live water and leave for the night. In the morning, turn around, break the water with the ring into the metal dishes and put on the fire, let it boil. If you see a foam, it means that the curse itself accompanies.

The second way. Prepare consecrated water and several roses red Colors (Love Symbol) on the eve of the full moon. Pour into a glass or metal vessel of clean water (not boiled), Throw ten petals and seven drops of water. Put from the head and go to bed. In order Ploy B. capacityIf the flower petals at the bottom means, the curse of loneliness really pursues you.

Now proceed to solve the problem. The above mentioned methods are told about how to learn about the magic crown of celibacy, but there is a so-called psychological crown of loneliness, from him and let's startTherefore, the self-suggestion is a great strength. Such a brand a woman usually puts himself, and the whole margin of a number of psychological problems. Remove all prejudice, stop hanging labels and advance your requirements. Do not impose yourself soaps that you do not like, deceive and throw. Such an attitude to the opposite floor itself scares.

If You pulled into a career and looking for yourself like that will share your thoughts and preferences - do not try, such women usually do not have permanent loving men. It happens that the woman becomes complexes and is no longer able to love himself, but means, And no one will love. In such a situation, contact the psychotherapist, which will help you get rid of from OTpotent thoughts and emotions, and How The result is to gain simple female happiness.

Curse and spell. Here you will need receivers Esoterics and magic. Prepare your favorite cup, milk, candle and cross. Milk should be heated, pour into a cup, then cross it and put it opposite the mirror. Read any conspiracy About removing the crown of celibacy. Take a candle and lightly swing in the mirror: first in both sides of the horizontal direction, and then vertical, as if drawing a cross. Do not stop until the fire of the candle is smooth and the chad will not disappear.

There are other options, one of which with the use of ordinary pea. Type twelve peas in the hem and whispering Read all your unfulfilled desires about creating a strong family. Upon completion, contact a prayer to the holy forces, with a request to assist in the heard. Take a Clever Tubochka, Sill there peas and squeeze the top edge of the thread of red. In one of the corners of the bedroom find poted Place and hide the amulet from an extraneous gaze. Follow the diet twelve days, make the focus on living water and contact the holy every evening through the prayer "Our Father", three times. For the thirteenth day, cut the upper part of the tip, not taped the thread.

Find the intersection cousse Roads (fields, forest trails) and on each of the sides dig a small hole, throwing into each equal amount of pea, say such words: "peas grow, sadness fug!". At the arrival of home, druck out and eat two eggs screwed. It is believed that such a ritual will help to drive away the loneliness and keep one's soulam.

Remember that the greatest strength is your consciousness and faith. If you learn to love yourself and look at life with a positive, happiness will come in itself.

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