How to know your iq

How to know your iq

Many people wonder about the level of their intelligence. And what if you are a genius, and do not know about it? There is a universal way to know your level of mental development: pass the IQ test. In the age of information technology it can be done easily without leaving home.

How to pass the iq test

This test can be passed on the Internet on any of the sites provided below:


In such tests, many skills are checked: data analysis, comparison, generalization, memory. Tasks imply an ambiguous response, which gives space for creative thinking.

How to understand the results of IQ

Test balls need decoding. What does the number that the screen gave you? Is there a lot or a little? Find out:

  • \u003c85 - low level of intelligence;
  • 85-115 - medium level of intelligence;
  • 115-145 - high level of intelligence;
  • 146-160 - very high IQ;
  • 160\u003e - genius.

IQ depends on a variety of: age, heredity, and even from the country in which you live. It does not affect the floor. More than half of the people of our planet have an average level of intelligence.

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