Why I'm scared

Why I'm scared

The emergence of temporary fear - it is absolutely normal for each person. Not normal, if these fears turn into phobias, panic brought you up and literally stop you from living. It is not necessary to hope that from this state, you will be able to get out on their own, usually such fears lead to more serious consequences. Let us see what are the most common phobias.

Fear of the disease. Often people are afraid of the disease, leading passive lifestyle. They literally just that and doing that are sitting at home and invent new terrifying diagnoses. If you caught yourself thinking that you are one of these people and that you urgently respond to any changes in their body - occupy yourself with something. Like sports, get yourself to a fascinating hobby, often try to communicate with people and be in nature. If you are an active person, but the fear of the disease is still not leaving you - then most likely it is the consequences of the loss of fear.

Fear of loss. You may be afraid of losing everything. For example, in case of illness is likely to lose his job, a loved one, their traditional way of life. In addition, you can torment the fear of losing money that may be needed for treatment. In this case, stop and think: all that you have - is the only means of your existence. For example, the job can always be changed, a loved one, throw you in difficult times, in fact, does not deserve your love, and the financial side - it is generally the least that should worry you. Certainly there are those who just do not throw you in the lurch. Learn to trust the world, people and myself.

Fear of old age.  Fear of old age is capable of, so to speak, to paralyze the mind. You only think about how a few years later you will become weak, the sick, the blind, and anyone unnecessary. People who binds the fear, did not want to think about the fact that many elderly people are engaged in sports, travel, written on interesting courses and live a bright new life. Stop being a pessimist and learn all over to see the positive side.

Fear of death. It can be self-fear, and may be due to the fear of aging. Once and for all should realize that death - is inevitable, but it comes only once. You should not always think about it, you need to breathe and enjoy life as much as possible.

fear of water, darkness, heights, confined space, flying on an airplane, etc. All of these fears contain hidden subtext, and are just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, you are not afraid of water, you are afraid of drowning. You are not afraid of the dark, are you afraid of in the dark. You are not afraid of heights - you are afraid of falling. You are not afraid of closed space - you're afraid of losing his freedom. If the meeting with these fears can be avoided if desired, the flights on the plane for some are a part of life, but nevertheless continue to cause panic. Try to ignore the situation, listen to your favorite music on headphones, read a book, get acquainted with neighbors in the chair. All this makes it easier to survive the flight.

Various types of fears can be listed endlessly, but the cause of any of them to look for in your subconscious mind. Try to look into the eyes that scares you. Understand that you are stronger than your thoughts. Treat with a positive in everything that happens to you. If you realize that your fears were powerless over - then, perhaps, you should consult a therapist and treat it with medication.

Comments leave a comment
Margarita 30.06.2018 at 20:47

All very true! Thank you for the article!

To answer
Yaroslav 07.11.2018 at 11:42

It is written by someone very 20-year-old?
Wonderful advice author - stem from complete ignorance and lack of understanding all of what the author is trying to give advice.
Moreover, for each item.
The effectiveness of the treatment of phobias - is ambiguous, medication, for the most part only suppresses physiological manifestations phobias. Treatment of hypnosis or NLP - on shamanism level. Psychotherapeutic methods - learn to cope on their own, but do not cure.
Do not worry about the financial situation, do not be afraid of sickness and old age, do not worry about work - easily - in 20 years. No one is immune from injury, illness, bankruptcy, crisis, unemployment, and geriatric diseases, which do not allow live the wonderful life. And all you can do is not to suggest itself that health is boundless, old age is interesting, feelings - controlled, but a sober assessment, be careful to protect the health and ... pray.
Overall - an article, a positive nonsense)

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