How to find yourself in life

How to find yourself in life

Self-life, whether in a metropolis or in a small regional town, takes the opportunity at least a few hours a day to devote to his own person, while staying alone with him, with his thoughts. In part because of this, and due to other factors, most of humanity on a banal question - who I am in reality, is? "Will not answer," unnecessary philosophizing "will drive away, adopting for induction; And the next morning will take it for usual things. The fuss is entirely absorbing people. It is so important in this confusion not to lose its own "me", to show it in all aspects of life. After all, only this way can be achieved absolutely happiness.

Find yourself in life through the ego and alter ego

Everyone has ever heard about selfishness. This concept is identified with borestip, narcissism, reluctance to reckon with the positions of other people - with all disgusting and repulsive human qualities. Egoism is Mizere or the minimum threshold for the development of the ego. False "I", a small "I" who are inherent in all personal fears, overestimated ambitions, bad thoughts, complexes and other negative features dictated by the conditions of the modern world are synonyms into the definition of the ego. In other words, this is an illusion, mask, the outer shell of a person - what he is inside, fortunately or unfortunately, has never been; Or illusion to life, which in reality is more like a limited material benefit existence. It is worth focusing on the fact that the small "I" does not tolerate the present moment. It awakens only about the future time: here are all the "fastened" human desires and plans for their own implementation. The false "I" will always be able to justify the circumstances of the desire for excessiveness, (for example, to wealth), pushing on impartial actions.

Alter-Ego is the second "I", hidden in each person implemented under certain conditions with the support of unprecedented abilities. The banal example is in stressful situations a quiet and humble excellent student forgets about the rules, violates them, becoming "comma" by Buntar.

Knowing and understanding the above concepts, a person will be able to adjust not only behavior, but also internal attitudes, which, according to a number of psychologists, he speaks himself.

Find yourself in life through the disclosure of domestic potential

In all people, a unique talent is lurking, you only need to show the diligence and patience to find it. And this is the most difficult. Below are some exercises aimed at finding domestic advantages and disclosure of our own abilities:

  • "Rational approach". You will need a sheet of paper, preferably white landscape, so that no lines, fields are not distracted. As well as two markers or two handles of red and blue colors. Well, of course, the free time in which no one and nothing will distract. Relax, close your eyes, ask yourself a question about what it turns out to be best. Analyze the situations where you helped close and relatives when you were praised for some reason, concentrate only on your own skills. Sharing a sheet into two parts, on one, write all your skills in the column, and on the other, describe what, in your opinion, you are absolutely not adapted. This exercise will allow to group available skills and will push you to make a decision regarding the choice of the field of activity.
  • "Creativity as a conversation with you." Do not knit, comprehend the art of calligraphy, make a personal diary, draw clean canvas, blind figures from plasticine or clay, make fake. At least 20-30 minutes a day, only for yourself, giving a creative process, bring a conversation with your inner reflection, asking the burning issues, finding answers to them.
  • "Third-party look." An ideal way to find out how good you are given this or that it is to ask for an outsider. With dialogues, do not hesitate for such wording as: "And what do you think ...", "share your opinion regarding ...", "What is your rating ...". As a rule, unfamiliar people give an objective, sincere review.

This list is not the limit, not only intuition will help you to disclose the inner potential, but also real life, from the current, alas, not to hide anywhere.

Find yourself in life through the desire and work

When the fear of failure overwhelms you, and doubts "eat from the inside", drive away these thoughts, challenge the unknown, possessing new knowledge and skills. If, by virtue of life circumstances, you will not be able to lock the well-known master in a particular field of activity, you can always replenish your personal piggy bank with invaluable experience. Only improving man reaches the highest "I". Living with this moment, with each new day, opening this world, knowing him, fighting a man towards his false "me", destroys all the opportunity to commit an unworthy act, exterminates the negative that polluting the modern world. Remember this!

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