How to behave in conflict situations

How to behave in conflict situations

Conflict situations are quite common in everyone's life. Whether you are a man or a snooty peaceful, conflict - an inevitable part of our lives. It is unlikely that at least someone will be able to avoid contradictions, while in human society. How to behave in a conflict?

How to behave in conflict situations - Recommendations

  • Release steam. If you do not want to develop a conflict, but rather are looking for a way to flatten it, patiently and quietly listen to all the charges you claim, without commenting and do not interrupt the person. Since the internal voltage drops on both sides. If this method will help to keep quiet, then solve the problem will be easier.
  • Support of claims. After a splash of emotions, if a person is invited to give, he will be ready for normal conversation. The main thing that has not passed again all emotions, all the time you need to direct himself and his interlocutor on intelligent conclusions.
  • Non-standard methods. Cause positive emotions in humans is not so difficult. Women are generally very simple, make her a sincere compliment, remember that deception and flattery always felt. To defuse the situation with men help some anecdote, but it must be appropriate related to the conflict that occurred.
  • The mention of his feelings. For example: "I am saddened by this situation." So you remind the person that you are in conflict two, so he needs to defend not only his point of view, but also to take and yours.
  • The joint formulation of the problem. As practice shows, the parties see the essence of the dispute in different ways, respectively, they do not understand each other. To reach an agreement, you need to come to a common understanding. To find a common understanding of the terms, everyone needs to explain how he sees the problem and then discuss the final result to which you want to come.
  • Respect. If you show respect for the angry interlocutor, it will generate a positive impression on him. Let's evaluation of his actions in this case it is not necessary to affect his personality.
  • Attention. Asked the man whether you have correctly understood one another, as he sees a way out of this situation. Such questions need to reduce aggression.
  • Stay on an equal footing. Try all the time to maintain a quiet confidence, no need to get bogged down shouting or swearing. If you are guilty - sorry, do not think that the way you show your weakness. Apology can only clever and mature people.

How to behave in conflict situations, parents with children

  • Ignore misbehavior. Parents are paying attention to the bad behavior of their child, themselves encourage it. It does not matter, either positive or negative attention, most often only its absence can solve the problem of bad behavior of your child.
  • Go away. If your child has brought you to the point that you start to lose control of himself, and was very nervous, leave for a while to recover. So calm down, and you and your child.
  • Red herring. Take something to your child, to avoid aggravating the conflict situation. Just keep in mind that this method will work only if your child is still not raskapriznichalsya to the extent that it has not been reach.
  • Find the pros. Children, just like adults, do not like being criticized, they feel anger and resentment. As a result, after the criticism they will not go to the contact. However, without criticism, too, can not do, try to soften it, then the child will be easier to take everything you have expressed.
  • Talk with your child calmly, try to listen to him and understand what he is feeling.

After the conflict, no matter how he ended, it left an unpleasant aftertaste. We advise to let him go by himself, try to forget everything that happens, it is not necessary to dwell on the troubles.

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