How to survive the death of the son

How to survive the death of the son

It is very frightening to experience the death of his own son. It's children should bury their parents, not vice versa. The man, who happened to such grief is usually left alone with their experiences. Yes, relatives and friends are trying to help, but any talk of death trying to get round. All moral support is to hold on to the words, and of good courage. We'll show you how to survive the death of his son. This knowledge will be useful for a person who has experienced a terrible tragedy.

How to survive the death of his son - take all the emotions and feelings

You can experience everything: fear, bitterness, denial, guilt, anger - it is natural for a person who has lost a son. None of these feelings can not be superfluous or wrong. If you want to cry - cry. Surrender to your senses. If you keep all the emotions in yourself, it will be even harder to grieve. feelings of the will help you make the incident. You do not get to forget everything at once, but you can find the strength to come to terms with death. denial of feelings will not let you live.

How to survive the death of his son - sign up to a therapist

There are therapists who specialize in such cases. Every city should have a sensible specialist. Before recording, be sure to communicate with him. Learn worked whether it with these people and, of course, what the value of sessions. You will in any case need a specialist with extensive experience.

How to survive the death of his son - forget about the timing

You are not forced to cease mourn after some time. Each person is different. In difficult times, emotions may be similar, but are experiencing grief in different ways. Everything depends on the circumstances and the nature of man.

There is quite a long time the concept of adoption of grief, consisting of 5 stages. It is believed that everything begins and ends with negation adoption. Modern science says otherwise - the adoption of grief can not consist of 5 steps, because people have an incredible amount of sense at the same time. They come and go, come back and eventually become less noticeable. Recent studies have confirmed that people are dying right and do not experience depression and anger - there is only sorrow for the man.

How to survive the death of his son - the first stage

You can not believe this has happened, feel shock and numbness. Each person has their own reaction - some frozen with grief, others try to forget, comforting relatives, organizing funerals and memorials. The man did not understand what was happening to him. May help antidepressants, sedative infusions and massages. Do not stay alone. Cry - it will help free up the mountain and ease the soul. The stage lasts for 9 days.

How to survive the death of his son - the second stage

Stage denial goes up to 40 days. Man mind has already taken a loss, but the soul can not come to terms with what happened. At this stage, parents can hear the footsteps and even the voice of the deceased. Son can dream, then talk to them and ask them to let you go. Talk about the little boy with his family, remember it. Constant tears - this is normal at this time, but do not allow yourself to cry day and night. If you can not get out of this stage - refer to the psychologist.

How to survive the death of his son - the third stage

During the next 6 months you have to take the pain and loss. Suffering can subside and intensify. Parents often blame themselves, that did not protect the child. Aggression can be extended to all the others: friends son, state or doctors. These are normal feelings, as long as you do not overdo them.

How to survive the death of his son - the fourth stage

Experiences become easier in a year after the loss. Be prepared for the manifestations of the crisis. By this time you should learn how to manage grief and you are not so afraid of feeling like the first day of the tragedy.

How to survive the death of his son - the fifth stage

Grieving soul calms down by the end of the second year. Your grief is certainly not forgotten, you just learn to live with it. Knowing what to do after his son's death, you will be able to move on and think about the future.

Users can experience so much pain that thinking about suicide. The pain can be incredibly strong. Throw away those thoughts - better contact for help.

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