Why the clock stops when a man dies

Why the clock stops when a man dies

Parapsychologists and ordinary people have repeatedly noticed that with the death of man, his wrist or wall clock stops. In the house of the deceased can shut down all the hours. There are some explanations to this mysterious phenomenon.

Why did the wristwatch stopped after the death of the owner?

Experts are trying to solve a strange phenomenon. The most believable are the explanations of parapsychologists and physicists:

  • opinion of physicists. After a long wearing person's hours, they turn into part of its electromagnetic field. The watches receive the energy of the owner two months after their purchase and "eat" it. After the death of the owner, the degree of electromagnetic field decreases, "feed on" the mechanism can no longer, and the clock stop the arrows;
  • parapsychologists' opinion. Experts say that the clock "remembers" the rhythm of the heart of the owner. As soon as the human heart stops fighting - the mechanism stops. Other parapsychologists believe that during death, a very many mental energy is released, a moving clock mechanism.

Why did the wall clock stopped after the death of a person?

The clocks located on the wall in the apartment also depend on the energy of the house and the biofield of his tenants. A man dies - he dies his biofield, and the clock shook. All ticking mechanisms can be stopped - on the wall, on the table, on the bedside table. Parapsychologists believe that a powerful stream of energy is coming from death from a person, and mechanical devices cannot overlap it. Therefore, the arrows stop. All working household appliances in the apartment can be stopped.

True or mystic?

Many people are confident that the clock is a magical object. They measure the time that cannot be measured. If you believe in immortality, after the death of a person, his soul is able to influence the behavior of other people and objects in the house. If the clock was for the physical body of the died peculiar "time counter" of the time, they set the connection with his soul during life. The soul comes out of a person after death, communication with the mechanism is interrupted - the clock stops. The thin mechanism can "feel" the close end of the host and zesche with his last sigh. According to the signs, if the clock and after the death of the owner continue to go, close to stop them out of respect for the deceased relative and put them in the coffin.

Facts confirming the clock stop after the death of man

There are historical facts confirming the above phenomenon:

  • this sign arose 400 years ago. In the London Palace, Hampton Court, after the death of Queen Anna, all the wall clocks immediately stopped. Nobody paid attention to it, but after the death of other residents of the palace began to silence all the mechanisms;
  • the American judge found out about the death of a better friend after stopping the clock, which he presented him. The clock stopped the arrows at 3 o'clock in the morning, and at this time he died each other;
  • with the death of King Louis XIV in 1715, all hours stopped in the palace. In the future, the mechanisms failed to make anyone.

Believe it or not - decide for yourself. First, look - the battery could stop in the clock or they broke. To date, there is no accurate proof of this mystical phenomenon, there are only assumptions.

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