What does a peak lady look like

What does a peak lady look like

From horror stories and literary works, we know about the peak lady. This is an evil female creature with bad ideas. She steals young children, scares people in a dream and comes out of the mirror in a mystical ritual. But the concrete descriptions of the ominous woman meet a little.

What does peak lady look like - a literary image

Pushkin in the famous story of the story presented a peak lady with an evil old woman. This is an image of an old princess. She knew how to handle cards and always won. The ghost of Princess appeared after her death to Herman and told about the secret. But the old woman sewed, and ultimately, the main character goes crazy when he pulled a peak lady card.

The heroine Pushkin had a real prototype - Princess Natalia Golitsyn. In his youth, she possessed some kind of secret, which Baryshne told the French magician. Young Golitsyn was very beautiful, but in a deep old age she was brought together. In St. Petersburg there is a peak lady's house. There often saw the ghost of a terrible old woman.

How the legend looks like a peak lady

For all legends, peak ladies have one common feature - black clothes. Therefore, it can be concluded that mysterious features look like this:

  • this is a middle-aged woman or an old woman;
  • wears dark, even funeral apparel;
  • he has an evil and intense face;
  • it goes smoothly and slowly.

But in some legends, this evil person is presented with a young fortune chart or seductive sorcerer. She was depicted in the form of brunettes with pale skin and a tailored look.

What does the peak lady look like - the opinion of parapsychologists

Parapsychologists say that each person represents the peak lady in its own way. The human brain itself regenerates the image, and the peak lady seems to be one people sinister old, and the other is presented in the form of a seductive pale a young woman. What to believe, then you will get. The people believe that this demonic entity is in different images. The positive moments evil woman does not bring, but people who want to meet with it does not decrease. Many believe that the peak lady can fulfill any desire and conduct magical rituals. However, science does not believe in the existence of this Madame and specialists note that it is the fruit of imagination.

What does a peak lady look like in a card deck and what means

In the card deck, the peak lady belongs to the figures of black suit. It is a fortune challenge as a middle-aged woman, married and insidious. If such a map fell, it means:

  • betrayal and deception;
  • kozny from enemies and loved ones;
  • n1

Sometimes the dropped card means that the black band in life passed, but it rarely happens. On the spiritual sessions of the Spirit of the Lady is in the form of a naked woman or a large black bird.

What does a peak lady look like - an antiquity image

Interestingly, the prototype of the peak lady was an ancient goddess of Athena. Wise daughter Zeus helped brave people who were not afraid of risky enterprises, but did not lose their heads. These qualities are present at gambling. Most likely, in the future Athena and turned into a peak lady, but with bad qualities.

Do not think about how the peak lady looks like, and do not look for meetings from this mysterious lady on magical sessions. She is like you imagine it. Create an image of a good pretty girl in dark robes that wants to help you solve problems - and the result will be awesome.

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