How to cause a peak lady

How to cause a peak lady

The legends of the mysterious peak lady suggest no fear for the first generation of children. Even in the circle of friends, not everyone will give up this dark lady. Challenge Lady Peak is a kind of strength test. If you do not observe the ritual exactly, the clarity can harm. And it is the stories about the possible consequences of the call so frighten and so attract. Let us correctly repeat the rite of the call, so that the peak lady leaves either at whom the mark of his black magic.

Remember that it is your panic fear that can confuse the procedure in the head. The call algorithm here is extremely important: because no one wants to get into the power of Mrs. from another world, is not it? Barely frightened, you can forget all the action to protect against peak ladies. When mentioning this name, everyone draws some kind of image inside. Some peak lady is a feature with a playing card. For others, the queen in mourning clothes. And someone sees a terrible creature, only distantly similar to a woman. Imagine that you utter the last word call, and is not the peak lady that you are waiting. The fear that entails a slack in defense to otherwise creating, inevitable. Therefore, be prepared to see anything, who is clearly observing all the security actions.

Use only those items that will be named are listed below. Pronounce words clearly and clearly. But the most important thing in any challenge ritual is a concentration on every detail of the process. Sleep silently to the lady peak. Let all your thoughts strive for one: see the one that terrifies one of his name. Important faith in the end of the rite. If you call you a lady from the damp, it will not appear for anything.

As a "shield" from the effect of dark forces, use images of runes on clothes, paper, wooden planks. You can also put a salt there, and at the time of the appearance of the peak lady to protect the consciousness, read prayers.

The best time to call is the night from 11 pm to 3 am. The room in which you plan to make a ritual should be darkened.

In addition to protective items, you will need an inventory for the rite. This is a mirror, a candle, black or red lipstick, a cloth to erase lipstick from the mirror.

At the appointed time in the dark room, sit opposite the mirror. Around yourself placing the charms. Light a candle and put it so that the light is well highlighted the surface of the mirror. Lipstay on a mirror stroy Draw the door and running from her a staircase. The path for the peak lady is open. It remains only to call it with all the power to which you are capable of.

Close your eyes and repeat: "Peak lady, come!". Your voice should not tremble, say words loud and distinctly. Without opening the eye, draw a clear picture in the imagination, as your guest opens the door and descends along the steps. As soon as a clear image in my head is ready, open your eyes. You will see a peak lady.

Now, if the ritual is carried out correctly and at the sight of the lady peak you did not overcome panic, you can ask her to fulfill the desire. In advance, specify the most direct and short request. As soon as you say it, immediately erase all the images from the mirror, including the peak lady.

All paragraphs guarantee you not only a meeting with a well-known frighteentiary, but also the fulfillment of your most cherished desire.

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