What to do if the mirror crashed

What to do if the mirror crashed

A broken mirror, for many beliefs, can bring some trouble. Only not the mirror itself, but its fragments. How to get rid of them in order not to bring trouble?

First you need to collect the largest parts. At the same time, it is very important not to look at them, because, according to many experts in this matter, because of this, it is possible to lose positive energy, and karma to break, and attract all sorts of aggressive creatures from the otherworldly world. To not look into the fragments, cover them with a cloth or paper.

It is necessary to get rid of fragments correctly. There are several ways, each of which will take the entire negative. Choose the most suitable for yourself:

  • The fragments of the mirror are thrown into the flow water (in the river), the flow of everything bad, which could "catch" on the pieces;
  • skip the fragments with a mirror up, just not on your garden (at least for the time that then they did not happen to extract or cut them down);
  • roll into the trash can, cover with something opaque and take away away from home or yard.

From small fragments get rid of the same way as from ordinary garbage - they simply remove them to the scoop and wash off to the toilet or throw out in a bucket. Wash the floor with clean water after that.

To surely remove the entire negative, which could remain from the broken mirror, fare of the church candle. Let it burn for three hours.

A new mirror is recommended to buy in the morning. Hangle him in place also follows before noon.

If you broke the mirror - it does not matter! Just during cleaning, do not look in fragments, do not think about the bad. This is just a small trouble that can happen with each!

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