Can I wear things after a deceased person

Can I wear things after a deceased person

Loss of a loved one - a mountain for a family. The memory of him remains in the hearts of relatives forever. But what to do with things that stayed after his death? Good shoes and expensive clothing to throw out a pity, but you can not wear the hen jacket. There is nothing terrible in this, but any of the deceased has left its energy.

Can I wear the deceased things - what psychologists say

Psychologists do not advise immediately after the death of a person wearing the things of the deceased. In the dress of the dead girlfriend or shoes of the deceased brother, you will constantly think about the mustache. It is necessary to remember the dead, but the memory of the person who has gone to the world of another person is opposed to another way. The delicious clothes act negatively on the psyche of a living person. Anxiety appears, panic, psyche disorder occurs. So you can walk to a serious depression.

Enter as follows:

  • distribute inexpensive things to poor or orphans. This is a good thing, care for your neighbor. Poor people will be grateful to you;
  • dear things try to give familiar, if not sorry. The new owner of the shoes or clothing is not associated with the energy level with a dead person. Harm to him things will not bring;
  • remove expensive things for half a year from the eye. Place them away in the closet, and in half a year you can wear. But pre-post, intend or handle in dry cleaning;
  • move clothes. Make out of the trousers shorts, made of sundress dresses or blouse. Clothes will have a new energy field.

Is it possible to wear things of the deceased person - the opinion of psychics

In things of any person accumulates its energy. Our ancestors, passing goodbye to the dead, buried all his things with him in the grave. It was believed that their use is dangerous, otherwise the energy of the deceased will go to the living. The bed of the dead man needs to burn or throw in a trash can! Things of a deceased oncological patient are doubly possessed negative energy. They need to wash well, disinfect.

Psychics believe that things can be worn. But first, spend magical rituals that allow you to clean the subject from bad energy:

  • patch in water with salt adding;
  • pretty rinse under running water;
  • read the prayer;
  • light a church candle and circle it several times around;
  • imprete clothes smoke from incense;
  • wipe the things with holy water;
  • contact extrasens and magic for help. They will hold the rite of cleaning things from the negative. Be careful, there are many scams among psychics.

Is it possible to put things in the dead man - the opinion of the Orthodox Church

The church condemns superstitions and does not recognize magic. In the Orthodox Church, it is customary to distribute the things of the deceased person in need and poor people. They will pray for the soul of the dead man. Usually it is distributed after forty days from the date of death. It is in the fortieth day that the soul finally breaks contact with the body. Priests do not prohibit relatives to wear things of the deceased.

Can I wear the deception of the late?

On the decorations of the deceased accumulates the most of its life energetics. And if a person died from serious illness - imagine what energy on such a cross or ring. Jewelry store information about the owner of hundreds of years. It is best not to leave these decorations in the house, and put them in the coffin along with the deceased owner. If the decoration is left - to plunge its energy cleaning or sanctify.

People free from prejudice are the things of a deceased relative or friend. Memory about the mustache makes these cute hearts are alive, and clothes cozy and warm. Remember the dead in the church and remember how he dear was to you in life.

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