How to reconcile with his wife

How to reconcile with his wife

Family life is full of both joy and misery. Often between husband and wife there are conflicts. To avoid further quarrels, should try to understand your partner and cause discontent. This will allow in the future to avoid recurrence of such situations.

How could reconcile with his wife?

How to reconcile with his wife - talk heart to heart

After a quarrel, leave wife alone for a while. Emotions in the first minute and take their intimate talk at once you do not get. Do not start a conversation with reproaches and sharp phrases. This will only aggravate the situation. Ask my wife if she wanted to talk about? If the answer is no, then just tell you that it is expensive and you are willing to compromise. Suppose you get a monologue, but it will be better than the indifferent silence. Monitor what you say and do not give empty promises, if you know that you can not fulfill them.

How to reconcile with his wife - write letters

If you are morally difficult to talk with his wife after an argument, write her a letter. Be creative, try a couple of lines rhyme. Suppose you do not get a poem, but it will cheer up your wife. You do not know what to write? Draw a heart, admit feelings. The main thing - do at least something.

How to reconcile with his wife - gifts

Was not born yet the light is the woman who does not like gifts. Men mistakenly believe that a woman needs to give only expensive things. It is not always so. Often the wife after a long married life dreaming of unusual gifts. Bouquet of fruit or a felt, which can be ordered from the master Handmaiden - expensive pleasure, but it is much more original the usual roses and wildflowers. Make a T-shirt with print, unusual inscription or pattern for himself and his wife. Apply for a subscription for two in theater, swimming pool, sauna, gym or skydiving. Predictability does not help you to quickly get in touch with his wife. We need to change the stereotypes.

How to reconcile with his wife - meet me at the restaurant or hotel

On an empty stomach is hard to be good and happy. Book a table at the restaurant. If you know your wife's preferences in food, ask the cook immediately at your coming some snacks and meals. Ask the administrator of the restaurant to decorate the table with candles and flowers, so it is visually different from other tables and you could see your participation in an event.

A similar situation can be beat with a hotel, order a meal in your room.

How to reconcile with his wife - shopping

There is nothing that heals the wounds women like shopping. Send a message to your wife with the phrase "waiting for you at the mall ... (name) ... at ... (time) ...." Surely his wife would speak on the emotions that she does not need anything from you. But you do not give up. Come first in any store, pretend to consider some thing. Tie up a conversation with my wife, ask her opinion about the color, shape of the goods on display. Hint that in the red dress she would have looked stunning. You will not notice how his wife will no longer be mad at you.

Unfortunately, quarrels - inevitable part of family life. Avoid quarrels - it's like walking through a minefield blindfolded. It is foolish to gloss over their grievances and not to go to conciliation. After a quarrel, any woman will feel lonely, useless. How ever it is precisely at this moment need affection, attention and action on the part of her husband.

Comments leave a comment
Tatar 25/06/2017 at 7:45 am

The quarrel, but sadly, the normal component of family life. And it is very important to build bridges then, to be reconciled.

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