How to Stop Worrying

How to Stop Worrying

From neurological diseases suffers more and more people. Rest and sleep take up nerazmerenny rhythm of life, unfulfilled plans, dissatisfaction, insecurity, instability and so on. D. If you realize that your life is filled with constant stress and anxiety, begin to take action.

Anxiety mobilizes our body, so do not bear any harm. But if it becomes obsessive - a sign of disorder began. In advanced cases it completely captures the man, and he can no longer cope with their work responsibilities. In this case it is necessary to apply to a mental hospital or a therapist. Only a specialist can help to solve the problem and bring the patient smoothly from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

If the object of your anxiety is real, look for ways to solve problems. Provide all the dismal results and possible ways out of the current situation. It may be that all is not so bad - forewarned is forearmed. Not to torture yourself during the day, select a specific time to solve the problem. The rest of the time - do not think about it. Your mind becomes clearer, and there will be new ideas that will help solve the problem. If it is far-fetched, to worry about it just does not make sense. For example, what happens if you get sick a rare form of incurable disease, and so on. D.

Stop worrying about the past and about the future. Each day you develop and become different, a new man, so do not blame yourself for the mistakes made earlier, you in the past - not you in the present. Not to worry about the future, give yourself clear goals and direct all forces to implement them. Worrying thoughts often occur due to boredom and idleness. If you are doing everything possible - sooner or later you will come to the goals. There have handy phrase Dale Carnegie: "Stay busy. It's the cheapest drug on earth - and one of the most effective. " Do not delay tasks on deadline, but do not drive themselves too hard.

Often experiences arise from the uncertainty that you do not cope with the task, or the inability to control everything that happens around. Create short-term and long-term plans. If something goes wrong, remove the obstacle and continue to operate. Remember that there are factors that you can not influence - just accept it and move on. Always develop contingency plans. Thus, you will know that you have everything under control and the situation calculated several moves ahead.

Resorting to self-suggestion. You yourself know that the anxiety of the situation does not change. The realization of this simple truth will help steer thinking in the right direction and calm down. Every time you start to get nervous, repeat to myself the phrase: "Everything will be fine, I can deal with everything and find ways to solve." Be sure to enjoy a strengthening of its nervous system. Effective ways listed here.

Psychologists say that aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on the heart and the mind. To calm down, drip a few drops of aroma lamp in the essential oil ylang-ylang, lavender or jasmine. To improve concentration and mood lifting, use citrus oils. You can also add essential oils in the cream or shampoo - read pharmacy instructions to specify the required number of drops.

Remember that for 1 minute you will not be able to get rid of the psychological burden. Remove the causes of anxiety gradually. The above-mentioned methods in combination to help you cope with constant feelings, and you will begin to live peacefully and happily.

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Lola 11.11.2018 at 15:19

I, too, just three months ago, is constantly plagued some pop up anxiety and worry ... Well, that was able to handle it (serenity formula tryptophan took yoga and become engaged), because to live with it was just unbearable ...

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Luda 12.11.2018 at 11:48

I, too, was a period when concern and anxiety just occurred, not because of what you can say. Then with the help of mind to cope formula tryptophan and meditation ... .so therapy deystviitelno borne fruit. Now with these awful conditions have not come across)

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