How to cure a patient with alcoholism

How to cure a patient with alcoholism

When there is an alcoholic in the family, all his relatives, living nearby suffer. Heart diseases, nervous disorders are not a complete list of what households can get in constant stress. If you want to save your loved one, below we describe well-known ways, but at first you need to decide whether it really is sick.

The concepts of "drunkenness" and "alcoholism" is not the same thing. Their signs are similar in the main essence - the unlimited use of alcohol. However, the drinker does it because of his limited worldview: without a bottle, he does not know how to rest, meet holidays and communicate with friends, i.e. He is defective psychologically. And the alcoholic is dependent on the alcohol with all its zuc at the gene level, and this is already serious. Therefore, for its treatment, a combination of many methods is needed to cover all the vital aspects of the patient.

Now, when there is no doubt that your close person is an alcoholic and he needs to be treated, help at the beginning to get out of the state of the feed. This can be done at home, in the detox or in the clinic for such patients. The main task of such assistance is to clean the body of the patient from alcohol and its decay products, as well as eliminating disorders of nervous and cardiac systems. Depending on the degree of body poisoning toxins, the cleaning process can take from two to ten days.


If the previous process was crowned with success, you can move to the method of belief. Alcoholic needs to be impressed that its treatment is possible and necessary, but only on voluntary principles. This is a mandatory part of the plan, because Without your own patient's desire, no magic methods will help him.

After the consent of the patient on therapeutic procedures, therapy is carried out aimed at bringing the norms of its organs and systems that worn after a long use of alcohol. At the same time, the doctor prescribes a patient vitamins, antioxidants, antidepressants and physiotherapy. Coding techniques and other ways of getting rid of alcohol addiction can be used.

The next stage of treatment begins with supporting therapy aimed at rehabilitation of the patient, the formation and consolidation of his sober-life skills. This assistance is provided by a psychologist who gives an opportunity to aware of his delusions and tune in to normal existence.

When it is not possible to put a patient in a medical institution, you can try to treat it at home by folk remedies. One of them is the broth of the Zverkoy. It requires chopped grass in the amount of 4th century. Spoons pour half liters of boiling water and heated decoction of 20 minutes in a water bath. Taking drugs is made twice a day at ½ cup - in the morning on an empty stomach and before dinner. After a couple of weeks there will be a disgust for alcoholic beverages.

According to voluntary desire, alcoholic can spend sensitizing therapy in the clinic. At the same time, the patient's body is introduced or a drug that provokes the intolerance to alcoholic beverages. With each use of alcohol after this procedure, there are unpleasant consequences in the form of headaches, pressure jumps, spasm, vomiting, chest pain and addiction. The method is based on the fear of them after drinking a glass of alcohol.

Here, perhaps, all. The world you in the family!

Comments leave a comment
Anna 10/15/2018 at 20:25

Take a patient to the doctor. If it does not agree, and it is often with alcoholics and drug addicts, it means to treat cunning.

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Svetlana 16/10/2018 at 16:14

Oh, cunning! How my sister was treated. Somewhere I learned about droplets from alcoholism and decided to try, MIDSO is called. They are without taste and smell, so it is simply impossible to notice anything. Her husband also did not notice, but from alcohol it began to turn him in the meantime. In my eyes, a man from a quiet drunkard became a normal family man, who is now nothing more stronger than tea!

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