How to quit drinking beer

How to quit drinking beer

It would seem that such a terrible can happen if drinking a bottle-other beer periodically? It is a low alcohol, and therefore should not cause serious harm to the body. Undoubtedly, if you drink beer occasionally - there will be relatively fewer problems, however, a huge percentage of people drink beer almost daily. As you know, in any classroom contains a certain dose of ethyl alcohol, which adversely affects absolutely to all human bodies.

First of all, the beer alcoholics begins to suffer the stomach. If you get into the esophagus, the stomach and intestines of beer begins to irritate and poison the mucous membrane. As a result, digestion is upset, and human problems begin with a chair. The constant use of beer ultimately ends with gastritis, abdominal pain and chronic fatigue.

The next blow beer is in the liver, which is a so-called filter for the body. An abuse of a foam drink over time provokes the occurrence of inflammatory processes that can end with hepatitis and even cirrhosis of the liver.

With constant use of beer, the work of the kidneys is disturbed. They begin to funkilation three times stronger, which provokes increased urinary. Thus, the hoppiece together with the urine shears the potassium, magnesium and even vitamin C. In turn, the lack of potassium in the body leads to failures in the work of the heart and weakness in the limbs, with a lack of magnesium, the person begins to suffer insomnia and becomes irritable, and when The lack of vitamin C in the body decreases the work of the immune system. With launched beer alcoholism, the kidney cells are observed, as a result of which the kidneys are wrinkled and decrease in size.

From beer alcoholism, of course, the heart cannot but suffer. Beer has a property quickly absorbed into the blood, which causes an instant overflow of blood vessels. As a consequence, a person begins to suffer from varicose veins, and its heart increases significantly in size. All this provokes diseases such as arrhythmia, hypertension, heart failure and even stroke.

Is it worth saying that in addition to the above-described terrible diseases, the beer also provokes obesity, increased sweating, muscle flabbiness, reduced activity in bed and changing the overall hormonal background? Do all these arguments really are not enough to abandon the beer addiction forever? It seems to us that more than enough.

Among the beer lovers there is a mistaken opinion that this crumpled drink is useful at the expense of proteins and carbohydrates contained in barley. Therefore, many foam lovers consider it weakly alcohol and practically harmless. However, now you can make sure that it is completely wrong! We provided you with a sufficient reason to abandon frequent beer use. Choose a healthy future!

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