How to guess on the coffee grounds

How to guess on the coffee grounds

The fortune telling on the coffee grounds is one of the most popular, since predictions are very accurate and true. They help to send a person's life to the right direction. For example, if he got a bad news, he has time to correct the situation and prevent the emergence of a problem in the future.

Take 3 h. Spoons of coffee and weld it in the Turk. Sugar do not add. Remove the coffee as soon as the foam appears on it, do not bring it to a boil. Then pour into a white cup, narrowing down the book, with even walls. Slowly drink coffee, formulating the question. At the bottom, leave a few liquid sips. Twist the cup clockwise so that the sediment shakes. Then sharply turn it onto a white pure saucer so that one edge of the cup is leaned about the cut, and the second turned out to be in the middle of the saucer. Give the resulting drawing in a cup to dry a bit. Then turn it back with your left hand (or right if you are left-hand).

Try to see the similarity with any object or symbol on the resulting patterns. You can rotate the cup in different directions and change the angle of view. The handle of the cup symbolizes the present, so the closer it is the drawing, the faster an event will occur. Clear and understandable images strongly affect fate. Drawings on the rim of the cups symbolize the near future, and at its bottom - a distant future, which is very foggy and can change many more times.

Let's look at the values \u200b\u200bof the main figures. Head without a body suggests that you have a defender. If her gaze is directed up - it is very strong, down - you are awaiting a small problem. The eye points to speedy changes, and the hand is for future disappointment. An elderly woman can symbolize reliable love, the girl's figure is the beginning of the relationship, and the boy is separation. Fly, Spider and Swan are happy characters - you are awaiting pleasant surprises in material form or well-being. A frog symbolizes happiness, good luck and great love, and the fish is an approaching journey. The forest and bushes communicate about the approaching failures.

Many straight lines predict a long and happy life. Zigzag or interrupted lines indicate the approaching adventures, and the curves - for the presence of ill-wishers. Line light symbolizes problems with finance.

Consider circular lines. Circles without breaks talk about receiving an inheritance or money. The presence of four points on the circle foreshadows a possible pregnancy to a woman. If it is accompanied by a curve line - the child will be smart. Two circles symbolize the birth of twins. A fully closed circle indicates the birth of a son, with a break - for the birth of a daughter. If you reviewed a wreath, wait for the favor of famous Persons. A large number of round figures means the appearance of obstacles, and the triangle at the end of them is the execution of plans. Oval foreshadows marriage.

The presence of rhombuses is talking about success in love and light victories over the opposite sex. Many squares promises the appearance of happiness and well-being. The triangle is a symbol of receiving an honorary position. Three triangles arranged next to the rapid receipt of wealth. If you see the cross, do not be afraid - this is a sign of a calm death that will not come soon. But if you see the four adjacent Cross, alerto - there is a possibility of a long disease. Three crosses nearby can symbolize success and recognition.

During divination, it is very important to connect your intuition. The value of many characters you can determine intuitively, but for professional interpretations it is necessary to expand the number of values \u200b\u200band explore their description more thoroughly.

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