Conspiracies on the cooled

Conspiracies on the cooled

Magic is a unique source for solving a variety of problems with which even doctors cannot cope with. When parting with a close person takes place, but the heart cannot accept this when it seems that life scattered into small fragments, but there is simply no output, it is then worth trying to turn to the highest forces. Feel out in love, to return the spiritual equilibrium will help the edge or lapse. Ancient art to influence even so thin face of the soul saved no one person from incorrect actions. You may also need to know all about the oestudion And try to take advantage of the tips to change your life to radically.

When the cooler will be "rescue circle"

Decide to touch the magical forces at all. When it is worth trying it:

  1. When love literally drives crazy. In this case, it causes pain, spiritual torments not only to someone who loves, and the object of frost. It borders with obedience, the consequences of which can be deplorable. It is from such love that people are capable of murder, suicide and other irreparable actions.
  2. When to continue the relationship makes no sense, but also to break them lacks forces. It happens that the feelings between partners have cooled, there is nothing in common, but no one can leave. This is a complete deadlock, which blocks further receiving real emotions.
  3. When the object of love turned out to be the / one who does not deserve it. As they say, he will not order the heart. But also to suffer all her life from what they fell in love with that man, it is also not worth it.
  4. When the partner left, and the second still loves. Of course, a spell can be done, but only usually nothing good from such relationships.
  5. If relations are built on the use of magic. For example, you feel that the spell is made at you. You feel that you are pulling to a person, although you understand that he is not exactly the one who dreamed of.

How to spend a conspiracy

First of all, you should understand that as a result of the conspiracy you will not only forget about the object of love, but you can start hateing it as much as they loved. The action of the coating man begins to feel literally from the first minutes after the ritual: first there is a sense of discomfort, then hostility, hatred and time after time - indifference.

At the same time, do not think that the oscillate will work on any day. It must be done:

  • on a decreasing moon (it also symbolizes the cooling of the senses);
  • if the rite holds a woman, then female days are also selected (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday).

After the ritual it is worth visiting the church and put a candle of any you like an icon (this rite is called spooky).

Ostud on yourself: how to make

If you decide to hold a conspiracy on yourself, you will need a glass of water. At the same time, water should be chilled so that magic affects faster. In the room where the rite will be held, all doors and windows must be closed, nothing and no one should distract, make noise and disturb. Read twice the following words:

In the blue ocean, a large beautiful oak is growing on the island of distant. Oak has a huge stone, pike on the stone lies. She eats, eats melancholy slaves of God (your name) on the slave of God (the name of the man). In order not to have a deaf longing for insurmountable, the pain of Gorry neither in the head, nor in the heart, nor in the soul. My word is firm. The word is my strong. It is not unable to remove it. Maybe it will be so forever and ever!

After reading, it takes half of the conspiracy water to drink, and the second half wash the face and sprinkle on the body.

Ostud at rival

Women simply intuitively feel when there is another in their family happiness. But you should not lower your hands! The oscillate will help solve this problem. Only the ritual is very strong, so if there is no confidence that it is this woman that the family collapses, it is better not to spend it. As a result of the action of the cooler, the rival can radically change its life: work, place of residence, habit. But if you accidentally made an extreme to that man, the consequences may not be the most rainbow. For the ritual, you will need to know at least the name of the rival. Ideally should be her picture.

  1. Buy fresh fish in the morning, cut her head in the evening and get inside.
  2. Write the name of the rival on a sheet of paper or photo.
  3. Put the harvested fish in the photo / paper and say the following:

There is no tail in this fish, there is no bubble, and head, fins and guts. I will get my rival (name) Desired how to back in the fish of this intestine, the fins will float, as the eyes open. And until then, I'm not happy to get her love (the name of the man). What is said, it will come true. Amen!

Ostudy on her husband

It is not enough to hold an extremely to the rival. After all, in connection two, therefore, the ritual must be done for two. Everything is easier with her husband - it is enough to feed the conspiracted food. For this, absolutely any dishes will be suitable. Choose something from which he will not be able to refuse. When you start cook, read the following:

I will stand, not blessing, I will go without crossing, not a door and not a gate, but all underground trails. I will go to the sea-ocean, I will find a blue stone, and on the stone Tom Leshe sits with Leshovitsa, Satan with Satanitsa, and a water with a waterman. The backs of each other are sitting, apart. They fight, bite, angry, and they swear. So you (the name of the man) with the (Women's name) of the world will not know, you will quarrel, swear, and then you will disappear with it and stop it. What is said, it will come true.

It is not necessary to eat it yourself, but the husband needs to feed the worn. Suggest it additive, smile and do not express your anxiety. Conduct a ritual for the rival and for her husband is better in one day.

This is not all but the most acting conspiracies on the edge. They are simple and do not require tremendous costs. If you feel that the strength to fight for your love is not left, and your beloved is better to let go, or the husband looks to the side, then try to spend the ritual. And do not forget that it is very important to believe in what you are doing!

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