How to start rings from smoke electronic cigarette

How to start rings from smoke electronic cigarette

Smoking electronic cigarette is an excellent alternative for those who can't or do not want to quit smoking, but want smoking to bring a minimum harm to the body. The edition of the pair of electronic cigarette brings the same pleasure as the smoke of ordinary cigarettes and is absolutely safe for health. Smoking of the electronic cigarette in the company of friends can be diversified by smoking tricks with the release of a couple in the form of a rings, many smokers want to learn this process. How to learn how to let the rings from the smoke of an electronic cigarette to get beautiful, smooth rings?

Is it possible to produce rings from a pair of electronic cigarette?

Rings of cigarette smoke always attracted attention and every smoker, at least once, tried to learn them. Some avid smokers exhalation of SIZY rings are brought to perfection, honing their skills daily. To create a rings, tend to use thick, heavy smoke strong cigarettes or cigars. Is it possible to make rings from a couple that exhaled during smoking electronic cigarette? The process of the formation of a cluster of a vapor in electronic cigarette is based on the principle of the inhaler - the liquid boils and is formed by thick pairs, from which after regular training and the development of simple manipulations with lips, language, work of the lungs, you can get beautiful and even rings. Consider the most popular three ways.

How to start rings from smoke e-cigarette - 1 way

This method involves lips and language.

  • Tighten the ferry, put the lips with the tube, the letter "O", in the center of which you need to position the tip of the language.
  • Language should not touch lips.
  • Now make a sharp and ripped exhale.
  • The steep and short push of the steam is made due to the lungs and larynx.
  • Sharp exhale resembles a light barely heard cuff.

Practice several times, it is necessary to gain patience and soon you will start to get clear, smooth steam rings.

How to start rings from smoke emine cigarettes - 2 ways

You can exhale the rings and without the help of the language, this method allows you to quickly produce rings and looks beautiful.

  • Dial into light steam, roll the lips with a tube in the form of the letter "O".
  • The lips stretched forward must be strained and fixed.
  • Exhale email e-cigarettes with sharp small and frequent jokes.
  • To master the technique, beginners can simultaneously pronounce the sound "Oh".

Over time, you learn how to do smoky rings without sound, only with sharp exhalations.

How to start rings from smoke e-cigarette - 3 ways

In this case, the method is involved in lips and ladins, this method of issuing the smoke of electronic cigarettes is called "method w". Thanks to this technique, the rings acquire clear outlines.

  • To release a ring of smoke, fold the lips with a tube and say the sound of "OU".
  • When this sound is pronounced, the expansion is first, and then the narrowing of the lips, at the expense of which the smoke rings are obtained when exhaling.
  • A distinctive feature of the method is that when inhaling the steam is not in the lungs, as it was in the first and second method, and in the cheek.
  • The clarity of the contours of the smoky rings is influenced by the lips circumference, so changing it can be released on rings of different diameters.

Tips for experienced smokers

To master the release of rings out of smoke e-cigarette, use all three ways to find the one that will suit you more. Experienced smokers when mastering a smoking trick recommended:

  • do not be too long to keep smoke in the throat;
  • when tightening, you do not need to gain a large amount of smoke;
  • do not strain the jaw, the facial muscles must be relaxed;
  • electronic cigarettes are not necessary to decorate as ordinary cigarettes, as they immediately give thick steam. Therefore, to the release of the rings can be started at the first tightening;
  • care indoors, without drafts that will distort the produced rings;
  • initially, it is necessary to work out the correct form of the mouth, and then the exhalation of smoke;
  • release rings, fold your head a little back so that the smoke squeezes up.

Only regular workouts will lead you to the desired result and soon in a noisy company of friends, at a party or in the club you can safely demonstrate your ability to produce beautiful and clear smoke rings from the electronic cigarette.

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