What dreams to paint lips

What dreams to paint lips

The person is inclined to believe that dreams are able to open the veil and point out some events of the future. The diversity of dreams and the interpretation options for certain objects and events in dreams give answers to many questions.

Lips in dreams personify sensuality and sexuality. This is an important symbol, connection with the inner essence of a person. With the interpretation of night visions associated with the lips, the emotional state of sleeping is playing a big role, since the dream concerns exactly the sphere of emotions.

Paint lips in a dream

Lipstick in a dream symbolizes a protective mask that a man dresses in real life. However, it may indicate and lies in relation to the sleeper.

  • Color healthy lips, chubby - harmony in personal life.
  • Apply lipstick on thin lips - perseverance, a quick achievement of the goal.
  • Cover the lipsticks, injured lips - should be prepared for losses.
  • To paint very expensive lipstick - the desire to seem better.
  • Overly worry about whether lips are painted beautifully - in real life you are very passionate about, but do not be afraid to take the first step. Most likely your sympathy is mutual.
  • Collect her lips to another person - a love relationship with a bad person.
  • An attempt to remove lipstick - to the change of style.
  • To admire how someone makes lipstick - pay more attention to loved people.

Woman paints lips

If a woman dreams that she puts lipstick:

  • Such a dream promises a romantic mood, desire to smell.
  • In the near future, you can experience a strong surprise that will have an impact on the full life.
  • If in a dream you tried a lot of shades, but never decided on the choice - you have overestimated requirements for the opposite sex. It is necessary to reconsider their wishes and maybe somewhat lower the bar.

Man paints lips in a dream

If the representative of the strong sex dreams that he paints his lips:

  • Such an action indicates the softness of its nature, vary. A person strive to suppress the "female" features.
  • It is probability to get under someone else's influence, you are commanded.
  • Sleep points to a strong attraction to men, which is desperately suppressed.

What dreams to dye lips - lipstick color

An important role is played by the color of lipstick, which sleep covers his lips.

Bright colors

In real life, juicy, bright tones (mostly red) use ambitious, self-confident, passionate women. Does such regularity persist in dreams?

  • Quietly and gently paint the lips of red lipstick - the threat, hanging over your relationship, will soon leave. If the action takes place, you can not do everything perfectly, someone's third can appear between you and partner.
  • Cook the lips of scarlet colors and go for a holiday - a meeting with your loved one. If, by visiting beauty, stay at home - you are experiencing loneliness.
  • Orange color characterizes sleeping as a fun and friendly personality, which can always be rejected.
  • Lipstick bright, but not quite usual colors, use creative and versatile natures in dreams.
  • In general, the use of "screaming" shades often indicates complexes, relative to their appearance, the need to hide their feelings. Similar inexperience can play against the person himself.

Pastel shades

Soft shades of lipstick symbolize a calm course of life, they may indicate the tenderness and romanticity of the nature itself. If the sleeping goes on a date, then in real life his chosen one values \u200b\u200btheir relationship. Cut the lips with a pencil - the desire to protect your beloved from the rest.

  • White color - great losses.
  • Golden tone - you are distinguished by excessive envy.
  • Black color - promises of the loss of intangible nature (close friend).
  • Brown and coffee tint - family troubles are expected.

It is important to remember that dreams are not a detailed map of the future. Listen to yourself, pay attention to the relationship with relatives, to the relationship with your loved one or beloved, and the answers to many questions will come to you on your own.

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