How to learn to kiss without a partner

How to learn to kiss without a partner

Kisses are natural in the same way as hugs, conversations or meals. No one has the question of how to drink, use cutlery, etc. But when it comes to the art of a kiss, many misunderstandings appear. This topic is especially interested in adolescents who have never been kissed truly. In this article we will look at how to learn to kiss without a partner.

To overcome inner excitement before a kiss, you must have about the technique at least a minimum performance. You will be helped by learning videos with comments, your own imagination, reading romantic books with a description of scenes, practice in ice cream and fruit, as well as general advice for the first kiss. Consider each item in more detail.

Video on the Internet. On the network there are many different videos that clearly demonstrate the technique of a kiss. There are comments in some of them, so you can hear interesting advice, and then use them in practice. In such rollers, they are talking about how to start a kiss, what to do with the language, how to breathe correctly, etc. View multiple records to have a clearer picture of the technique.

Imagination. The most pleasant and simple method is kisses in your own imagination. Close in your room so that no one bothered you. It is convenient to lay and close your eyes tightly so that the light does not penetrate them. Imagine a person to whom you are not indifferent. Mentally touch it with warm and gentle lips. Touch your tongue, and then try to repeat the technique from your favorite video or movie. This will postpone on the subconscious, and you will behave the same during the present first kiss.

Romantic books. Read books in which detailed descriptions of romantic actions are present. Imagine yourself in the place of the heroine or a hero who kisses. You will get a more accurate idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a person feels during a kiss. In the future, this will strongly help you make your kisses as unforgettable. Close your eyes and completely dissolve in the description of the scenes you are interested in.

Practice in ice cream. Buy your favorite ice cream in a cup. If it is very frozen, let him utter a little. Then touch the tongue. Close your eyes and repeat movement. Feel the taste of sweets and imagine that you kiss your lips your loved one. Movements should be natural and light. When you get tired, smile and eat the remaining ice cream.

Practice on vegetables or fruits. Choose any fruit or vegetable with the flesh on which you can practice. Tomato, peach, large apricots, plums, etc., are well suited, thoroughly wash the selected fruit and clean it from the peel. Touch lips to juicy meakty. Touch your tongue, but carefully not to splash. Purify your lips in the flesh and so try to bypass the whole fruit kiss. In the process, imagine the lips of your loved one and enjoy the process.

Supplements. No matter how much you trained, you will get a full-fledged kiss only with a real partner. It makes no sense to feel silent about your inability to kiss. If you are very worried, provide all your partner. Let it fully manages the process. And if he himself does not know how to kiss, you will have an excellent opportunity to practice each other. The first few times the technique can turn out to be imperfect, but you will quickly master it. Many people with the first kiss prevent the nose of the partner. To avoid this, just bow your head a little to the side.

If you and your partner have a desire to kiss each other - you can assume that the kiss has already turned out perfect. People who loving each other people always do everything naturally. In a kiss it is impossible to do something wrong. Just touch your lips with a partner and trust him.

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