The existing land legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of issuing a land lease agreement for individuals and legal entities. The category of land is determined by the procedure for using it. You can rent the land for almost any destination if the site is free.
Information about free land can be obtained on the Rosreestra website On the map choose the city you need, the village and find a suitable land. Then print the image and go to the local administration with it. In the administration, write a statement to find out whether this plot is not in the property (Rosreestrate data is not always relevant). In the case of a positive response, you need to write an application for checking objects prohibiting the construction of a residential building on a plot (for example, a gas pipeline). The third statement is written as please authorize construction in this area. After accepting statements, the administration will expose land for auction.Take land for rent from the state under the legislative standards is easy, in practice, much depends on the local administration. Local administrative bodies can make different requirements for writing applications and collection of references, all additional information can be obtained at the Administrative Employee.