What to take into the army

What to take into the army

Collecting the son in the army, caring moms collect huge bags, without thinking about the fact that his son does not need such a number of things. The state cares about his defenders and ensures them all necessary. Therefore, to take into the army the minimum number of objects and things that may be required during the location of a young person on a call point and during its crossing into part.

The main documents are a passport and an asscript certificate. If the future soldier has the rights to driving a car, they can also be taken with you, but this is at his request. You can take copies of education documents in order to further confirm your qualifications if it is necessary during the service in certain troops.

A small amount of money will also not hurt - suddenly on the way to the part it will be necessary to purchase some domestic trifle or the same drinking water. It is enough 300-400 rubles, and it is better to take with small bills and decompose into several places. Surely, in a call point or in the military unit at the recruit, under any preterts will begin to smear the money. So that this does not happen, you need to confidently answer that he has no money or someone has already taken.

On the road, when the recruit will go to the part, he will definitely be given to Suplek. But as practice shows, the young growing organism of the daily army content is not enough. Therefore, you need to take a meal reserve, designed for 2-3 days:

  • 1 stick dry sausage sliced \u200b\u200bon slices;
  • 2 canned banks - fish or meat;
  • 400 g of solid cheese, also sliced;
  • 2-3 packs of dry bread or unsweetened gallery cookies;
  • 2-3 chocolate tiles;
  • tea or compote in a plastic bottle (it can then be thrown);
  • water in the same plastic bottle.

Be sure to take several sets (pieces 5-6) of one-time plastic dishes: plates, cups, forks and spoons - it is not sorry to throw it immediately after use.

Toiletries will also be part of the road, and with further service. Take you need:

  • toothbrush;
  • toothpaste;
  • 2 pieces of soap (toilet and economic);
  • shaving machine with spare blades;
  • shaving cream;
  • aftershave;
  • small waffle towel;
  • washway;
  • nasal shawls (4-5 pieces);
  • packing paper napkins that can be used as toilet paper.

Toiletries in the army better take not particularly expensive and in light plastic packaging. In addition, you need to stock up with black and white threads (one coil) and needles, but in very reliable packaging.

Surely, a handle, pencil, notepad and notebook will be useful in the army. You can take several mail envelopes to send a letter to the native. Although today, almost no one does - everyone prefer to call on a mobile phone. So, you can take it into the army, but the simplest and cheapest.

It is worth noting anything from the clothes, except that it will be on the conscript. Here, too, it is better to dress easier, so as not to be sorry for this clothes to get rid of. It can be sent home by Banderol, but it will come out much more expensive than the clothes itself will cost.

That's all, with which you can go to the service in the army. At the same time, you should not even take a small portion of the alcohol in the breastplate - if it is found, it is not possible to avoid trouble. And you can not take with you no cruel-cutting items, even a penny knife and scissors.

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