How to get a delay from the army

How to get a delay from the army

Sometimes it happens that the service in the army it is very necessary to postpone for a while, but so as not to hide from the military registration and enlistment office, but to continue the previous life, without fear that you can pick up in the army at any time. In this article we will tell, in what cases the law of the Russian Federation provides a delay from the service.

Most often, young guys are delayed by health. Unfortunately, currently the health of the younger generation leaves much to be desired. In this regard, there is a huge list of diseases, in the presence of which a potential fighter provides a delay for a while, in order to correct his health. This list expands from year to year. Therefore, if you need to postpone the service, thoroughly read disease schedulemaybe there you will find your own disease, if such is the place to be.

Position of military examination we have.


If you are still studying at school (it happens), in a technical school or college, at the institute or at the university, you are also delayed from the army, provided that these educational institutions have no overdue accreditation and your studies are in full-time. If you learn from the evening office or in absentia, then the delay is not provided for you. To postpone the service in the army while studying you can comply with some conditions:

  1. With the successful surgery of the USE, the legislation of the Russian Federation prudently gives you a deferment until October 1 of the same year so that you can enroll in a higher educational institution. This condition concerns those who are planning to enter a school or college, but provided that you have not received full secondary education, i.e. Finished only 9 classes.
  2. If during study at the university you decided to translate to another branch in the same institution or otherwise, it also provides for delay, but provided that your studies will increase by no more than one year.
  3. It happens that the student needs to go into academic leave. Delay is also valid for such cases, but only if studying due to vacation does not increase more than a year.
  4. For students who want to continue their studies in graduate school, there is also a delay from the army, but provided that this school has accreditation and all the necessary licenses.

Student Characteristics Blank here.

Regulations on military registration on our website.

The army delay is also possible for family circumstances. Russian legislation provides for several cases so that the law can enter into force:

  1. A young man between the ages of 18 and 27 years is provided with a delay in the event that he is a single father, raising his child.
  2. The delay is provided for a young father, which has two or more children.
  3. The military-rated man has the right to postpone the service in the army, if a minor brother or sister is on his care. This condition is valid when there are no more adult persons who are able to take such a duty.
  4. If the military service is the only person able to care for a relative. Such may include mother, father, grandparents, brother, sister or wife.
  5. When the recruit has a child and a legitimate wife, which is on a large period of pregnancy, but not less than 26 weeks, he is also relying delay from the army.

Sample family composition You can download here.

The place of work of the conscript can also affect the provision of a delay:

  1. If you are working in the internal organs, in the FSB or in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you have a special education obtained in the university, and there is a certain title, you should be delayed from the army for the entire period of operation at this place.
  2. Candidates to deputies and deputies of the State Duma at the age of younger than 27 years are also provided a delay from serving service in the army.

Sample employee characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office Download here.

Commissioner's reference form we have.


For young people who have personal beliefs or religions that do not allow to serve in the army and take a weapon in the hands, it is given the opportunity to give the debt home on alternative service. An alternative service allows the conscript to fully give tribute to the homeland and its fellow citizens through labor activity in labor positions. This type of service is 1.5 times longer than service in the army, but at its end, a military ID is also issued.

List of professions on alternative service here.

An important condition in all this is to comply with the law of the Russian Federation in order to avoid serious problems in the future. And in order to find out if you fall under one of the above options, we suggest you go through a small and exciting test for delay From the army.

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