What is guest

What is guest

GOST and Quality in the consciousness of our fellow citizens always go hand in hand. State Standard (this is exactly what GOST is described) is used in production for more than 85 years. GOST denotes the quality requirements for any product.

GOSTS take their beginning in 1925, when the State Standardization Committee appeared. Its tasks included the development of categories of quality and documentation for almost all types of products, which was produced in the Soviet Union - from sausage to cars. On the territory of the country, the established quality standards were unshakable. Nowadays, GOST R. certificates were added to the usual gtostas. The latter were created in Russia.

Any of the guests, which is indicated on the products (be it GOST, GOST P or PCT), denotes that this type of product fully corresponds to the parameters of the quality, which are documented and prescribed by this product, and these standards are valid throughout the country. Now in Russia, instead of the State Standardization Committee, there are various Rostechregulation authorities. These organizations check products for compliance with GOST.

GOST - the parameter is not permanent. Over time, the quality requirements are changed. GOST tolerate regular changes and additions. At this time, there are about 25 thousand state standards in the country.

In 2002, changes were made to legislation, and the GUTs are no longer compulsory requirement, and their compliance with the manufacturer is voluntary. Instead of guests, technical regulations can be used. True, so far they are not designed for all goods. Using the GOST is a mandatory rule if products concern human security, ecology, or is related to the preservation of property - private, municipal, federal.

Technical conditions - TU - each enterprise is developing independently. That is why there are so many diverse to taste "doctoral" or "Ostankinskaya" sausage, because the local document, which approves the rules and norms of creating one or another product only within one enterprise.

Despite the abundance of various TU and optional use of the GOST in the manufacture of products, most consumers prefer to buy goods that have GOST labeling. It always guarantees a time-tested manufacturing technology, as well as the quality of raw materials and a finished product.

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