How to write a letter to the governor

How to write a letter to the governor

If you set out the purpose of writing a letter to the governor, then you need to make your appeal correctly - choose the exact form of the letter, to set firks more concise and clearly its content. Below we will give advice to create an appeal to the highest official in the region in order to maximize his attention to your problem.

The governor is the main official subject of the federation and in its competence - the main control of regional structures. It is he who solves the most important issues of the region, respectively - the appeal to it must be issued at the proper level. To write a letter you will need:

  1. computer with internet access;
  2. sheets of paper;
  3. pen;
  4. postal envelope.

Gubern 9.

Start the registration of the letter is not from the content, but from its preparation. Actually, a lot of things may depend on the form. Often there are dissatisfied citizens who personally described their problems in the letter, in their opinion in detail and competent, beautiful legible handwriting. However, the answer to his appeal did not receive. Tip: This kind of appeal is strongly recommended to dial in the text editor on the computer, and then print on a piece of paper or on a special form. The probability of reading a printed letter of a high official increases several times. To do this, pre-take such a form in the receiving governor. If there is no typical form - write in arbitrary form.

Form of written appeal to the governor - Download here.

Sample letter to the governor we have.

At the next stage, make a letter design. Start with his "caps" - on the right side, indicate the position of person, his last name, name and patronymic. Below write your data - surname, name, patronymic and contact information (place of residence, telephone, email). All of the above data of the official, specify in the duty case, and your own - in the parent. Suppose: "Governor of such a region of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich", "From Petrova Fyodor Ivanovich". Learn in advance how the position of the official is written. Skip a little place after entering and positioning the coup. Start it from the words "Dear". For example: "Dear Ivan Ivanovich!", And a little below, proceed to state the essence of your problem or complaint. So that the letter was read, lay the most briefly as possible and in essence. If this part is blurred and stretched, the likelihood of reading can approach zero. Describe the request on one sheet A4, and if this is not enough - in the end of the letter, mark the "Appendix" indicating the supplied sheets. In them, set out all the additional information. If it will be necessary - with the supplied sheets will be familiar with. At the very end, it is once again concisely specify your request, set the number and signature.

Governor 5.

After the letter is issued - attach all available evidence or official appeals to it. Officials believe only the papers, so the addition of writing by solid investment increases the likelihood of consideration of your appeal. Pack all the collected sheets into the envelope and take it by departing, having previously learned on the website or in the help desk, the legal address of the regional administration to send a letter by mail. IMPORTANT: Just in case, make a copy from your appeal, and in the envelope, stap the photocopies of official papers. So you inspire yourself from possible loss of important documents.

There are some more options for the transfer of your letter except mail. First - personally, organize delivery and transfer of the letter to the representative of the office of the governor. The second option - send the prepared contact by email. Her address can be found by visiting the administration of interest to you. Often on their sites can be seen special forms For feedback with citizens. In this case, take the opportunity and ask questions you are interested in to the governor. There are electronic forms to send letters. But as a rule, they are designed for text that is limited in the number of characters. Check out all the nuances of sending an electronic appeal on the site of the administration you are interested in. As an example - portal of the administration of St. Petersburg.

Governor 4.

Usually, the official letters of citizens occur "unsubsions" within 2-3 days, the maximum term is 30 days. If the answer is not received, be patient and start searching for your appeal to the Office of the Governor.

Comments leave a comment
Olga 20/06/2016 at 18:53

I ask you to check the two companies TTS LLC and LLC "SISU RUS" Executive Director of Rogachev Vladimir Yuryevich, according to previous activities, Russia must have 3 million rubles, currently continues to operate in the same spirit. I issued my wife Rogachev Irina Mikhailov by the Director General to LLC "TTS", and in SMSM Rus LLC of his friend Vorontsov Alexander Olegovich! Taxes are not paid at all, people all quit!

iREK 02/28/2017 at 9:11

Today I learned that the Minister of Agriculture became the head of the region of Winsk, Mr. Kazyukov A.M. Dear governor you know what has become a collective farm "For Peace" at the beginning of the 2000s, which headed Kazyukov. What is more like to put, we have other regions of which chapters do better with their duties. In addition, Mr. Kazyukov is trying to take his hands the state hunting fault of the Winsky hunting. So he and the flag in the hands, from the ministerial chair "Dreams" are always easier.

sergey Shcherbakov 05/26/2018 at 20:31

Good afternoon Dear Alexander Vasilyevich writes to you a resident of the city of Unechi Bryansk region Shcherbakova Inna Vladimirovna wants to write to you how to make the doctors of the Unech clinic, I will write everything in detail on May 25 I was bad because I accidentally swallowed a chicken bone from May 16 lasts this period and everything in vain I will describe the day the day caused an ambulance I arrived in time. The doctor took me to Lor to the doctor after watching me with an angry she didn't find anything when I wonder what I had it to make a picture of the mouth of the mouth of a larynx she refused me I went to the head of the clinic to do I need x-ray and demanded a direction in Bryansk She replied decides LOR doctor after in serious condition I had to go again to the office to Lor doctor and take my card because on this day I was written on a prem to the doctor oncologist from checking the inflamed throat and squeezing the neck card in my hands did not give me a nurse suffered my card to the oncologist a few minutes later the other nurse came out with my card and led me to a psychotherapist I didn't have to visit the doctor oncologist in the doctor's doctor's doctor What I did not write mean I'm healthy that I didn't understand this. I wanted to achieve LOR doctor Koval Galina Aleksandrovna I do not know, but it's just a negligence from her side, except for his records to pass the blood and FSGD doctor I asked to write me a medicine from strong pain when squeezing my throat He just answered me I will quickly like that with a strong pain I had to go home it's just a negligence from their side to the hospital I do not lie for my pain, I suffer at home not under the supervision of doctors and at home it's just admiratoryness and any respect for our large family we live poorly and everyone can condemn from which everything is if that wines will happen to me will be on her conscience I started the inflammatory process to me hard to swallow even saliva Maps 63900208 9018264164 With respect for you, Inna Vladimirovna If you can come to the city of Unecha Bryansk region Ul Volodarsky House 52 Look how our family lives

Hope 03/08/2018 at 0:59.

Dear Andrei Evgenievich!
Writes you hope smooth. I am about my daughter Vasilisa 89777687590 which, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, requested you for help for help, namely, paying consumer credit to maternal capital, according to the contract for the purchase of housing. But to our regret, you sent an instruction in Cson Korsakovo, where they understood that she needs material assistance of 6,000 rubles, as the chief of social composites at home explained. This is absurd. Please write a disposal to the Korsakovsky Pension Fund on the basis of a banking contract, on the repayment of a consumer loan for the purchase of housing maternal capital. To understand and help a person, it is necessary to feel his position, unfortunately, this was not. I think the next year send a video question to the direct line to the president.
With respect for you hope. I will be sorry if my letter will be sent to the status of removal, not letting you about it, as is done most often.

"Salute Victory"
Salute Victory, Russia Pride
The enemy the Russian spirit will not be able to break
Hearts of sad mothers petrified at the door
Waiting for his children, mourned standing at the door.
Parade on Red Square began
People gathered to holy celebration
And dove of the world in the sky over the Kremlin
Solemnly with a dove married.
We are proud of the grandfathers, for his great-grandfather,
The country called them, also young,
The price of the people is great that in the heart of people, it remains forever
The war of heroes norodila the courage of Russia presented.
Big honors to fighters gave
Heroes we buried
The earth breathed and moaning his body pressed her bodies.
Rain from the sky Acrople Soul
Thunder died in honor of their merit.
Salute victory in the memory of the people.
We won, we thank, of course God.

Valery 27/01/2020 at 6:25

Good afternoon! In my village, the Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk region, where I was born, grew, called for military service now something terrible happens. Where there was around the taiga, the barbaric cutting of the forest is being conducted and the divinas are approaching close to the houses. Yesterday, 21.01.2020 was held in returned rally in the presence of officials and the culprit of the "celebrations", the so-called owner of the forest. Sharing papers with signatures and seals, they with foam in the mouth proved the legality of this barbarism. And no matter how much residents do not apply to various structures - WHO and now there. Does it really rotten everything to such an extent that everyone doesn't care about it?


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