How to fill out a blank for a passport

How to fill out a blank for a passport

At first glance, fill out a questionnaire to receive a passport of a new sample is not difficult. However, many, seeing the abundance of the points of the form, are lost, and sometimes they simply turn to the mediator company so that they simplify the task for the Annal amount. Consider how you independently fill the blank to the passport.

Required documents

Since April 2013, new rules for obtaining a document entered into force in the Russian Federation allowing to travel around the world. Now you do not need to assure the form at the place of work. Similarly, you should not assure the workbook. To fill the installed form you will need a package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • existing passport;
  • if the name is replaced, the marriage certificate will be required;
  • employment history.

Filling rules

Blank-questionnaires on a biometric passport is not filled at all as to the passport of the early sample. You must use only capital letters. Pay attention to the fact that your painting should fit into a strictly specified box. It is unacceptable to go beyond his borders, otherwise your documents will not be accepted!

Blank on the passport of a new sample on our website.

Blank on the passport of a new sample_ample fill here.

Instructions for filling out blank

The questionnaire is filled in accordance with such instructions:

  • In the first paragraph, you need to enter your name.
  • Next, fill in the floor. Put the checkbox in the right place.
  • The third paragraph indicates the date of your birth.
  • In paragraph number 4, it is necessary to accurately entertain the place of your birth according to the passport.
  • In the fifth point, put the mark according to that if your last name changed. If your answer is "yes", then you need to specify the name of the name, as well as the date of shift and the place of shift (city) in certain graphs.
  • In the sixth paragraph, you need to enter the address of the registration and date of its registration. It does not matter where you now live. It happens that in the passport there are no data on registration, then this graph in the form you need to leave empty.
  • The seventh item will be important to fill in those who are registered in one region, and the passport intends to get in the other. If you have temporary registration in the settlement, mark the corresponding quad, and specify the registration period.
  • In the eighth and ninth items you will need to specify your email phones and addresses.
  • In the tenth point, it should be very careful to enter passport data in the respective graphs.

Filling out tolerance form

This data is devoted to the eleventh and twelfth points of the form. So, you need to honestly indicate whether the form of admission was issued. If so, what is her form and who did it. You should not hide this information, your data will be rechecked, and if it turns out that you are lied, problems may arise, and the passport will not be issued to you. In paragraph number 12, specify whether you have any contractual obligations with organizations, in connection with your admission to secret information or state secrets. If so, you do not see a passport until the contract has expired.

Filling in labor graph

Data on your work is entered on the back of the form. By law, you need to make information the last 10 years. In these years, the study and work is included. If you were in conclusion - it is also necessary to specify here. If you did not work officially for more than a month, refer to the graph "Temporarily did not work (a)." All posts in one place of work are listed through commas.

After filling out the form for receiving a biometric passport, you need to submit a document to special services. By the way, the applicant's signature puts the questionnaire in the appropriate column only with the FMS worker.

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